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Scanning the Deep Earth

Scanning the Deep Earth

WHOI scientist Veronique LeRoux places a sample of porous lava into a Skyscan 1272 CT, an imaging system that creates three-dimensional views of physical samples that it scanns. LeRoux is a geologist […]

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Fish in Hot Water

Fish in Hot Water

This purple fish, Bythites hollisi, was named after Alvin pilot Ralph Hollis, who captured one in 1988 with a net held in Alvin’s manipulator arm. Bythites hollisi is […]

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Watery Wi-fi

Watery Wi-fi

Post-doctoral investigator Mike Brosnahan worked from a raft that supported an Imaging FlowCytobot (IFCB) on a frigid March day in Nauset Marsh in Orleans, Mass. The […]

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