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Improving lives in East Africa through shellfish aquaculture

Shellfish aquaculture in the coastal waters of East Africa holds great potential to provide a stable, healthy source of protein and as well as new economic opportunities for entire communities, so long as up-to-date knowledge and equipment are available. To date, however, very little shellfish aquaculture is practiced in Zanzibar because of a lack of shellfish hatcheries, which provide shellfish seed to farmers, and a lack of technical knowledge about how to best farm and manage shellfish stocks.

Contribute to ProjectWHOI on behalf of ProjectWHOI Zanzibar:

With the help of this ProjectWHOI fundraiser, Hauke Kite-Powell will be able to increase seed production capacity at the hatchery to about 10 million clam seed per year, which should translate into additional income of $100/year for several hundred shellfish farmers in Zanzibar, many of whom are women supporting families. Hauke will also be able to send staff from U.S. shellfish growing companies supporting this project to Zanzibar to help train hatchery staff and growers. Most importantly, it will support the training of the next generation of hatchery operators and lay the foundation for expanding shellfish aquaculture along the coast of Tanzania and other parts of East Africa.

The funds raised in this campaign will enable Hauke Kite-Powell to supply much-needed equipment to bring the training hatchery up to full capacity and to support the travel of US shellfish farm trainers who will volunteer their time to train local technicians at the hatchery in Zanzibar.

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Life cycle of a scallop

Suspended in the water, floating in unseen hordes, shellfish larvae are transported by wind and tidal currents until they settle and grow into adults. But this critical stage in the […]

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Pollution Fighters?

Pollution Fighters?

Researchers from WHOI Sea Grant and the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension analyzed wild and farmed oysters and quahogs to see how much nitrogen the shellfish can store in their […]

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Worth the Wade

Worth the Wade

Woods Hole Sea Grant Extension Agent Joshua Reitsma collects shellfish samples in Cape Cod’s Barnstable Harbor as part of a study to determine how much nitrogen they incorporate into their […]

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Researchers’ Spat

Researchers’ Spat

Woods Hole Sea Grant Extension Agents Joshua Reitsma and Abigail Archer help distribute bags of shell that contain oyster seed (spat) to towns for municipal shellfish propagation programs. The Read More

Lunch Buffet

Lunch Buffet

WHOI research assistant David Bailey checks the algae used to feed shellfish larvae that he grows in WHOI’s Environmental Systems Lab. The shellfish are used by biologist Scott Lindell […]

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Filter Feeders

Filter Feeders

Woods Hole Sea Grant Extension Agent Joshua Reitsma samples oysters at a farm site in Pleasant Bay in Orleans, Mass. Towns on Cape Cod are looking increasingly to shellfish […]

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Small Bloom Expected

Small Bloom Expected

Alexandrium fundyense is the algae notorious for producing a toxin that accumulates in shellfish and can cause paralytic shellfish poisoning in humans. This organism swims in the water and divides […]

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Seeing Red

Seeing Red

Dave Kulis and Liann Correia, research assistants in the lab of biologist Don Anderson, retrieve a CTD—an instrument that measures conductivity, temperature, and depth—from Salt Pond, part of […]

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Class Field Trip

Class Field Trip

Students from a course entitled “Fundamentals of Shellfish Farming” offered by Woods Hole Sea Grant and the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension hiked out to the tidal flats to tour a shellfish Read More

Watery Wi-fi

Watery Wi-fi

Post-doctoral investigator Mike Brosnahan worked from a raft that supported an Imaging FlowCytobot (IFCB) on a frigid March day in Nauset Marsh in Orleans, Mass. The […]

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