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Three things you may not know about sea level rise

Since the turn of the 20th century, seas have risen six to eight inches globally. New technologies, along with a better understanding of how the oceans, ice sheets, and other components of climate interact, have helped scientists identify the factors that contribute to sea level rise.

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Land, Sea, and Air

Land, Sea, and Air

The increased flow of ice from glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica has tripled the contribution of continental ice sheets to global sea level rise over the last 20 years. Since 2008, […]

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A Sea Change

A Sea Change

WHOI engineer Will Ostrom deploys a mooring in Sermilik Fjord in southeastern Greenland in September, 2012. Instruments on the mooring will record water temperature, salinity, and current speed and direction […]

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Lobster surprise

Lobster surprise

Post-doc Justin Ries—now at UNC—along with WHOI scientists Anne Cohen and Dan McCorkle grew shell-building ocean animals in water under air containing different levels of carbon dioxide, a […]

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Resilient Woods Hole Climate Walking Tour

A man with glasses and a blue suit stands at a podium with the words Resilient Woods Hole on it. He's gesturing to his right and the Woods Hole sundial and MBL buildings are in the background.

The Resilient Woods Hole Climate Walking Trail app takes users on a self-guided tour of Woods Hole’s most vulnerable areas. You can download the free app through the App Store or Google Play.

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Boston Dance Theater performs SURGE at Ocean Encounters

Watch Boston Dance Theater (BDT) perform their current art and science project called SURGE which is an ongoing collaboration between BDT and WHOI Senior Scientist, Dr. Larry J. Pratt. SURGE addresses current climate trends through the lens of sea-level rise and the role that art and science play in creating a sustainable future. This performance took place during WHOI’s 2020 Ocean Encounters finale episode entitled Our Enchanted Ocean and was recorded on October 28, 2020.

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Rising Tides: preparing for the future

Like many coastal communities, Woods Hole, located on Cape Cod, faces an uncertain future. Rising sea level and the potential for increased frequency and intensity of storms present significant long-term threats. Woods Hole is home to world-leading marine science institutions performing critical research from shore-based facilities that enable access to the sea and yet, ironically, are vulnerable to the same climate change impacts that are the subject of study.

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Coral Investigators

Coral Investigators

Researchers Paul Henderson (left) and Luis Vasquez-Bedoya collect coral samples from a large reef in the waters off Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. Corals build their skeletons over time from calcium […]

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