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Illustration of a subsea oil seep

About one-half of the oil in the ocean comes from natural oil seeps. Marine chemist and Coastal Ocean Institute Director Chris Reddy studies oil that is naturally seeping into the […]

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Oil and Water

Oil and Water

Oil spills aren’t pretty, but this one is perfectly natural. WHOI scientist Chris Reddy and colleagues from the University of California, Santa Barbara, have been studying areas off the Santa […]

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Oil Spill Pioneers

Science in a Time of Crisis Part 1: Oil Spill Pioneers
On Sept. 16, 1969, the barge Florida ran aground off Cape Cod, rupturing its hull and spilling more […]

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Following an oily trail

Following an oily trail

Oil and methane bubble to the ocean’s surface from seeps off Coal Oil Point, near Santa Barbara, California. The oil seeps provide a natural “laboratory” for WHOI chemist Chris […]

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Lessons from Deep Water Horizon – 10 years later

Ten years ago, Dr. Chris Reddy and dozens of his colleagues were called to the Gulf of Mexico to address what would soon become the largest human-caused oil spill in history. What have we learned a decade later? Join us as Chris takes a look back at how far we’ve come and answers your questions about what science can tell us about oil spills and the ongoing recovery on land and in the ocean.

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A Wonderful Life

A Wonderful Life

Oceanographer Emeritus George Hampson (right) contributed to many studies of invertebrates in marine systems, ranging from the intertidal zone to deep water. He was also one of the pioneering scientists to […]

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Ocean Robots: Hydrocarbon Seeps

Places where hydrocarbons naturally seep from the seafloor provide a way to study how oil spills in the ocean change over time. But scientists need vehicles like Sentry, Jason, or […]

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Tioga at Ten

Tioga at Ten

WHOI’s coastal research vessel, R/V Tioga, gets some attention in port from crew member Ian Hanley (left) and Captain Ken Houtler. Equipped with water samplers, a current […]

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The ‘Dirty Bathtub’ Effect

The 'Dirty Bathtub' Effect

Over 168,000 gallons of intermediate fuel oil were released into Galveston Bay on March 22, 2014, when a collision occured in the bay’s shipping lane. Over 200 miles of Texas […]

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