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Illustration showing the carbon exchange cycle

In various forms, carbon is continuously exchanged between Earth’s atmosphere, and, and water—an essential cycle for life and regulating the planet’s climate. Atmospheric carbon dioxide readily dissolves in the ocean’s […]

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Carbon Lock

Carbon Lock

A jar holds a sample of particles collected at 150 meters depth during a cruise along the West Antarctic Peninsula. These particles—mostly krill fecal pellets and collections of diatoms—are an […]

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Carbon on the Move

Carbon on the Move

Carbon makes the world go around. It is the building block of life on Earth, and in the form of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere, it has a […]

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Carbon on Ice

Carbon on Ice

A team of researchers sample ice and snow from an ice floe in the Canada Basin, an area northwest of the Canadian coast, during a 2008 expedition to measure carbon […]

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Carousel of Carbon

Carousel of Carbon

Round and round goes carbon around our planet. At the same time, figuratively, carbon makes the world go ’round. The element is the building block of life on Earth and, […]

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An undersea profiling robot

Sea-going robots can travel on their own for weeks at a time, gathering critical information that helps us understand things like the ocean’s carbon cycle. But despite their considerable powers, […]

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Mighty Mites

Mighty Mites

Under a microscope, a copepod looks fearsome, but at only one-sixteenth of an inch, it won’t bother anyone. People seldom see these tiny marine crustaceans, but they may be the […]

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Along for the Ride

Along for the Ride

A CTD instrument is a standard workhorse of oceanography, measuring conductivity (salinity), temperature, and depth as it descends through the water. But this CTD has a special “passenger” attached […]

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Export Expert

Export Expert

Marine chemist Ken Buesseler (right) deployed a sediment trap from the research vessel  Roger Revelle in the fall of 2018 during the EXPORTS expedition in the Gulf of Alaska. EXPORTS (Export […]

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