Chris Linder
Website design
Website design

These sites are a sampling of website design work I have done for scientists and groups at WHOI. If you are interested in having me design your site, please phone or email me.

Fieldwork websites, featuring dispatches and photography
Beaufort Gyre Exploration Project website - field photographer and science writer (2005 cruise), administration, html design and coding
Edge of the Arctic Shelf - field photographer and science writer, administration and html coding
Cape Hatteras fronts experiment website - field photography for 2004 and 2005 cruises, administration, html design and coding
Research group websites
Arctic Group website - administration, html design and coding
Investigation of Arctic Sea Level Rise website - administration, html design and coding
Ice-Tethered Profiler website - administration, html design and coding
Geodynamics Program website - Photography for 2002 and 2006 field trips
Polar Profiling Floats website - administration, html design, and coding
Personal websites
My personal writing and photography website - administration, html design and coding, and all photography (obviously!)
Peter Winsor's website - administration, html design and coding
Lisan Yu's website - html design and coding
Carin Ashjian's website - html design and coding
Mike Spall's website - html design and coding
Steven Jayne's website - html design and coding
Glen Gawarkiewicz's website - administration, html design and coding

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