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A Four-Star Day

A Four-Star Day

November 12, 2016

In September, WHOI received a visit from the U.S. Chief of Naval Operations (CNO), Admiral John Richardson, a four-star admiral who is responsible to the Secretary of the Navy. The visit included briefings on ocean observatories, global ocean research projects, and marine technology advances. Richardson is no stranger to WHOI—the admiral received a master’s degree from the MIT-WHOI Joint Program in 1989. The Navy has also had a long and productive relationship with WHOI dating back to World War II. Back then, WHOI scientists trained Navy submariners to use instruments called bathythermographs, or BTs, to help them avoid detection from enemy sonar, and in the process saved many lives. (Photo by Jayne Doucette, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

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