A New View
May 15, 2018This image is of a photogrammetric model of the Rouse Simmons, a schooner that sank on Lake Michigan in 1912 during a violent storm as it was carrying a cargo of Christmas trees to Chicago. The model was created using data from a new underwater photogrammetric 3-D imaging system developed by the Advanced Imaging and Visualization Laboratory at WHOI, working with Marine Imaging Technologies and the National Park Services Submerged Resources Group. This new underwater imaging technique creates very wide-field-of-view, high-resolution images that were not possible using traditional underwater cameras. Unlike static 3-D images, these 3-D photogrammetric models can represent the volume of an object from all angles, allowing scientists to explore around and inside objects on the seafloor, sensitive ocean environments such as coral reefs, and submerged hazardous or toxic sites. (Courtesy of National Park Service and Advanced Imaging and Visualization Laboratory at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)
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