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The Mooring the Merrier

The Mooring the Merrier

June 19, 2012

John Kemp, head of at-sea operations for the WHOI Mooring Operations, Engineering, and Field Support Group recovers a Submersible Surface Buoy to the crowded deck of the research vessel Knorr recently. During the cruise, Kemp and his colleagues retrieved moorings and buoys deployed in September 2011 as part of the Ocean Observatories Initiative‘s (OOI) At-Sea Test 2. In the foreground is a car-sized Sea Cycler, an instrument designed to gather data from the upper water column and sea surface over periods of up to a year. OOI is a project funded by the National Science Foundation to obtain long-term physical, chemical, geological and biological data in the ocean and seafloor.(Photo by John Lund, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

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