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Autonomous Systems Laboratory (ASL)
The ASL research program emphasizes exploratory ocean measurements using contemporary tools and techniques. ASL uses autonomous systems to describe and quantify oceanic processes which occur on time and space scales inaccessible with traditional methods.
Computerized Scanning and Imaging Facility (CSI)
CSI, equipped with a research dedicated high resolution medical scanner and imaging area, large animal lift and overhead rail transport system, specially designed laboratories, freezers, and chillers for dissection, and necropsy and specimen storage, offers researchers an opportunity to conduct multiple exams in a single setting.
Hal Caswell's Lab
I study the mathematical ecology of populations and communities. I use models that include the life cycle, the vital rates, dispersal patterns, and temporal and spatial variation in the environment to explore population growth, extinction, invasion, and spatial pattern, and apply the results to conservation biology.
Mark F. Baumgartner's Lab
Mark Baumgartner uses autonomous vehicles to study the foraging ecology of right whales.
Mark Hahn's Lab
A focus of the laboratory is to understand the biochemical and molecular mechanisms that underlie the interactions of marine animals with their chemical environment.
Marine Mammal Behavior Laboratory
The Marine Mammal Behavior Laboratory works with marine mammals at sea using visual observation and acoustic recordings and tags to monitor behavior.
Michael Moore's Lab
As a veterinary scientist Michael Moore has a broad interest in the fundamental and applied aspects of the interface between humans and marine animals. Research in his group includes: the pathology of human derived marine mammal trauma - vessel, fishing gear and acoustic; animal welfare consequences of such trauma; large whale body condition and the population consequences of fluctuations therein; marine mammal stranding management; impacts of tracking tags on cetaceans; and long term effects of persistent pollutants on bottom fish in the context of environmental remediation.
Ocean Acoustics Lab (OAL)
Research concentrates on the use of acoustics to measure ocean properties, temperature, and to detect biological and geological objects in the ocean.
Ocean Life Institute
The Ocean Life Institute (OLI) explores the oceans' extraordinary diversity of life?from microbes to whales?to identify ways to sustain healthy marine environments and to learn about the origin and evolution of life on Earth and perhaps other planetary bodies.
R/V Tioga
Launched in 2004, R/V Tioga, an aluminum hulled coastal research vessel that serves ocean scientists and engineers working in the waters off the Northeastern United States.