Report prep. guides
Report Prep. 1
Report Prep. 2
Report Prep.3
Report Prep. 4

Report Task #3: transparencies & text

Nov. 20, 2001

Dr. Sichel

Today, we will prepare both Power Point transparencies and the first draft of the text for the final report. You may have up to three color transparencies and as many black ink transparencies as you wish. In a 10-minute talk, you will problably use 5 (and no more than 10) transparencies. If you can print them yourself, do so. Otherwise, give the pages to be copied onto transparencies to the copy shop in Harrington, second deck. The charge number is Marine Adhesives, dept. 230, account #231.

Power Point allows you to show both text and photos or diagrams. Photos are usually in "jpg" format. Diagrams, if scanned, may be in "gif" format. If you prepare the diagrams in a word processing format, they may be imbedded in the "doc" file.

Your goal today is to prepare enough material to show our professional editor, who will help you at our next class on Nov. 27. He will give you advice on both your slides and your text for the final report. The class after that, on Nov. 29 is the dress rehearsal.

We will make a group decision on the uniform to be worn on the day of your presentations. (Dress uniform, daily uniform, or work uniform)