Coupled Boundary Layers
Air-Sea Transfer
Low Wind Component

CBLAST-Low Components

The Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory (MVCO) The MVCO is a research observatory located at South Beach and extending into the ocean about a mile off the south shore of Martha's Vineyard. It provides real-time and archived coastal oceanographic and meteorological data for researchers, students, and the general public. Together with other observatories located along the eastern coast from Maine to Southern Florida, researchers are developing a more accurate, overall view of meteorological and coastal processes occurring under a variety of conditions.
Air-Sea Interaction Tower (ASIT) The Air-Sea Interaction Tower (ASIT) is located in 15 meters of water offshore of the MVCO. The objective of the ASIT is to investigate ocean processes including air-sea interaction, ocean mixing, gas exchange, bio-optics, and sediment transport. ASIT data is compared with data collected from the shore-based MVCO.
CIRPAS Pelican Flights The Pelican aircraft is investigating boundary layer structure for CBLAST investigations by mapping out variability in momentum, heat, moisture, and radiative fluxes.
Aircraft IR Remote Sensing Airborne measurements of sea surface temperature variability using infrared (IR) imagery were taken by this Cessna Skymaster operated by Ambroult Aviation based of Chatham, MA.

Nobska Drifter Deployments Preliminary drifter and cruise tracks generated by WHOI/MIT Joint Program student Tom Farrar from data collected during the intensive operating period.
Slocum Glider These autonomous gliding vehicles are used to characterize the three-dimensional, time-dependent structure of the shelfbreak front in the Mid-Atlantic Bight, while simultaneously measuring physical and optical properties across the width of the continental shelf.
ASIMET Buoy Array The Upper Ocean Processes Group at WHOI deployed an array of buoys and moorings in the ocean south of Martha's Vineyard to record data including temperature, salinity, pressure, and current speed and direction. The goal of this CBLAST component is to observe and better understand the temporal and spatial variability of the upper ocean by investigating the processes responsible for the exchange of mass, momentum and heat between the ocean and the atmosphere under low wind conditions.
Satellite Remote Sensing Mapping of mesoscale and submesoscale wind fields using synthetic aperture radar.
COAMPS Atmospheric Model The Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS) is used as a tool for all testing and evaluation of newly developed surface flux parameterizations.
The Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) The Regional Ocean Model System (ROMS) is a free-surface, hydrostatic, primitive equation ocean model that uses stretched, terrain-following coordinates in the vertical and orthogonal curvilinear coordinates in the horizontal. Using the coupled ROMS/COAMPS model, ocean conditions in the environs of the CBLAST-Low observational area are forecast.

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