1. A sea stack, remnants of a once great mountainside, stands apart from the landmass. (Rachel Fletcher) |
2. Water glistens on the rock face in the evening sun. (Rachel Fletcher) |
3. Two sea stacks will eventually give way to the sea in the Faroes. (Rachel Fletcher) |
4. A deep crevice provides unique terrain and shelter for the flocks of Faroe birds to play. (Rachel Fletcher) |
5. The clouds rolled over this peak so quickly that many of us stood still in awe. (Rachel Fletcher) |
6. As we left the Faroes the cloud cover gave way to clear skies and calm seas. (Rachel Fletcher) |
7. A crevice in a mountainside allows a small boat to explore on this rainy day. (Rachel Fletcher) |
8. Joy riders under a rainbow that spans the water just off the Knorr’s port side. (Rachel Fletcher) |
9. A beautiful Eden with a large thin waterfall gracefully landing in the sea as a flock of birds float by. (Rachel Fletcher) |
10. We spy the sheep just as the sheep spies us. (Rachel Fletcher) |
11. "Grendel’s lair" in the Faroe Islands. (Rachel Fletcher) |
12. A small fishing vessel is dwarfed by the mountainside. (Rachel Fletcher) |
13. A wisp of a waterfall blown by the wind. (Rachel Fletcher) |
14. A very small lighthouse on a very large Cliffside. (Rachel Fletcher) |
15. Eventually the sea stacks will fade away only to be replaced by this mountainous giant. (Rachel Fletcher) |
16. A small and wide waterfall slides down the center of this mammoth rock wall and into the sea. (Rachel Fletcher) |
17. A postcard of a tiny Faroe village is flanked by waterfalls. (Rachel Fletcher) |