WHOI scientist Brendan Foley is co-leading an international project near the Greek island of Antikythera to explore one of the richest ancient shipwrecks ever discovered. The team is using a suite of instruments, including an Exosuit, as part of the first official expedition to the site since 1976.
Duke University graduate student Nick Foukai recovers a CTD rosette during a recent cruise on R/V Knorr in the North Atlantic. A team led by WHOI physical oceanographer Bob Pickart was there as part of an international project to get a better picture of how ocean circulation in the North Atlantic is governed by global climate. READ MORE
WHOI's Bruce Strickrott and Hanu Singh will talk about ocean exploration during this live streaming event for high school and college students at 1 p.m. October 26. Sponsored by the Bruce Museum.
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