Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Cruise Planning Synopsis
SVC IV | |
Ship | |
RV Neil Armstrong | |
Cruise Party | |
Andy Bowen: Principal Investigator Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Blake 215, MS#07 Woods Hole, Ma. USA 02543 +1 508 289 2643 abowen@whoi.edu Timothy Shank: Chief Scientist Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Redfield 234B, MS#33 Woods Hole, Ma. USA 02543 +1 508 289 3392 tshank@whoi.edu |
Departure: May 2, 2016 | |
Woods Hole | |
Arrival: May 9, 2016 | |
Woods Hole | |
Operations Area | |
Canyon areas off of Cape Cod, OOI Pioneer Array | |
Lat/Lon: | |
Depth Range: 200 / 2500 | |
Will the vessel be operating within 200 NM of a foreign country? | no |
Science Objectives | |
Conduct ROV, AUV, and telepresence operations that include full utilization of laboratory and shipboard equipment use (e.g., ice machines, hoods, etc.) for a science verification and preparation for similar cruises utilizing these assets in the future. The cruise science operations will begin at the Pioneer Array, where the ground cable will be disconnected, the AUV dock adn anchors recovered. Recover Acoustic Mooring deployed in SVC III by WHOI’s Dr. Ying-Tsong Lin. | |
Science Activities | |
1. Deploy Kraken-II ROV and disconnect ground cable at Pioneer Array; Recover AUV Dock, Recover anchors 2. ROV operations (Kraken-II), including exploration, image acquisition, and sampling biology and seafloor features in the deep-water canyons near the Pioneer Array 3. AUV operations (Nereid Under Ice Vehicle) that include surveying and image acquisition. Communication to shore via telepresence operations. 4. Recover Lin Acoustic Mooring | |
Additional Info | |
Pre-cruise Planning Meeting: Teleconference/Visit WHOI | |
Meeting Notes: Two SVC IV meetings were held in the month of March, along with a walk through aboard the ship in April. | |
Media personnel on board: Video, Writer | |
Telepresence and possible writer/photographer | |
Stations: | |
Station 1 Distance: null Days: null Latitude: 39° 56.4 N Longitude: 70° 53.0 W | |
Supporting documentation: | |
»SVC_IV_Deck_Plan.jpg | |
»SVC_IV_Berthing_Diagram.pdf | |
»Kraken2_Control_Van.pdf | |
»Kraken2_General_Specifications_(9-10-2015).pdf | |
»K2_Winch_Integration_Armstrong_Hanger_(003).pdf | |
»Nereid_NUI_overview.pdf | |
»SVC_IV_AR03_precruise_agenda_2.pdf | |
»Kraken2_ROV.pdf |
Funding |
Funding Agency: ONR/NAVY | |
Grant or contract number: 000000 |
Scientific Instrumentation for R/V Armstrong |
Shipboard Equipment | |||||||||||
ADCP 300 kHz | |||||||||||
A-Frame | |||||||||||
Navigation - Heading | |||||||||||
Navigation - Position | |||||||||||
USBL Nav | |||||||||||
POS-MV | |||||||||||
Crane | |||||||||||
Shipboard Communication | |||||||||||
Basic Internet access via HiSeasNet | |||||||||||
Is there a need to transfer data to shore on a regular basis? | |||||||||||
Is there an expectation to use Skype or any other real-time video conference program? | |||||||||||
CTD/Water Sampling | |||||||||||
911+ Rosette 24-position, 10-liter bottle Rosette with dual T/C sensors | |||||||||||
Critical CTD Sensors | |||||||||||
Sample Storage | |||||||||||
Freezer -70°C 25 cu. ft. | |||||||||||
Freezer -70°C 3.2 cu. ft. ea. | |||||||||||
Refrigerator 8.6 cu. ft. | |||||||||||
Storage Notes: Biological samples taken with Kraken ROV, requires -70 storage | |||||||||||
Navigation | |||||||||||
Will you be using Long Base Line (LBL) navigation? | no | ||||||||||
How many nets? | null | ||||||||||
How many tansponders? | null | ||||||||||
Will you be using Ultra-short baseline (USBL) navigation? | no | ||||||||||
Navigation | |||||||||||
GPS | |||||||||||
LBL | |||||||||||
USBL | |||||||||||
Navigation Notes: Both Nereid Under Ice Vehicle and the Kracken ROV will need positional data at their control stations. | |||||||||||
Winch Notes:
The UCONN ROV, Kracken will set up it's winch in the hangar, leading the umbilical through the starboard overhead door and out to a block on the aft handling boom. Ships crane will deploy and recover Kracken. Heavy Lift winch will be used to recover OOI Docking station | |||||||||||
Winch Notes: | |||||||||||
Standard Oceanographic Cables | |||||||||||
Science Van 1 | |||
Type/size: Generator Rack | Location: aft deck, por side, outboard | ||
Water: | Power: | ||
Science Van 2 | |||
Type/size: UCONN Control Van | Location: aft deck, port side, inboard | ||
Water: | Power: |
Specialized Deck Equipment
Mooring Deployment/Recovery Equipment Required: yes | Type: Heavy Lift winch |
Cruise Specific Science Winch Required: yes | Type: ROC Winch (UCONN) |
Nets Required: no | Type: |
Over the Side Equipment
UConn Kracken II ROV- winch, umbilical and block
Special Requirements
Elecrical Power: yes | Identify 200 AMPS @ Heavy Lift WInch |
Equipment Handling: yes | Identify: ROV and AUV deployment with ships crane |
Inter/intraship Communications: yes | Identify: Telepresence |
Science Stowage: yes | Identify: Biological and Geological sampling from ROV |
Water: no | Identify: |
Additional Cruise Items/Activities
Hazardous Material
Radioactive Material
Additional Information
Nereid AUV will be deployed at night. Kracken ROV deployed during the day
Telepresence will be tested by Dwight Coleman and Ken Kostel
Checklist & Notes |
Checklist | |
U.S. Customs Form: | no |
Diplomatic Clearance: | no |
Date Submitted: | |
Date Approved: | |
Agent Information: | |
Countries: | |
Notes: | |
Isotope Use Approval: | no |
Isotope Notes: | |
SCUBA Diving: | no |
Checklist | |
SSSG Tech: | |