Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Cruise Planning Synopsis
view revisions | |
AT26-13 | |
Ship | |
R/V Atlantis | |
Vehicles | |
HOV Alvin | |
Cruise Party | |
Samantha Joye: Chief Scientist, Principal Investigator Room 220 Marine Sciences Bldg Athens, GA USA 30602-3636 +1 706 542 5893 mandyjoye@gmail.com |
Departure: Mar 30, 2014 | |
Gulfport | |
Arrival: Apr 22, 2014 | |
Gulfport | |
Operations Area | |
Northern Gulf of Mexico | |
Lat/Lon: 26° 23.46′ N / 94° 30.783′ W | |
Depth Range: 500 / 3000 | |
Will the vessel be operating within 200 NM of a foreign country? | N/A |
Are visas or special travel documents required? | no |
Science Objectives | |
This cruise objectives are to: 1) characterize the local geology of brine seeps using ALVIN multibeam and ATLANTIS multibeam surveys; 2) collect sediment and brine samples from brine seeps using ALVIN; 3) collect water samples from above brine seeps using the CTD rossette; 4) collect sediment samples from around brine seeps using the multiple corer; 5) collect zooplankton samples using the MOCNESS; 6) collect water from brine basins using the CTD rossette and "brine depth profiler" operated from ALVIN; 7) conduct sediment and water column sampling at three sites in the vicinity of the Macondo wellhead. | |
Science Activities | |
This cruise will collect fluids from the water column (using the CTD rosette) and from brine basins and seafloor brine pools using the CTD rossette and a cumstimized brine fluid sampler (for profiling over depth in stratified brines). We will also collect sediment push cores using ALVIN and a multiple corer (during night ops). We plan to visit between 10 and 12 different brine-impacted cold seeps along the Northern Gulf shelf and slope. We will also spend three days working around the Macondo Wellhead. We will also conduct multi-beam mapping from ALVIN and from the ship (during night ops). | |
Additional Info | |
Pre-cruise Planning Meeting: Teleconference | |
Meeting Notes: Held Jan 7, 2014. | |
Media personnel on board: Video, Writer | |
Antonia Juhasz is an investigative journalist and popular science writer. She will be doing EPO blogs and writing several stories related to the cruise. National Geographic will have crew (out on a sister ship) filming our activities around the Macondo wellhead. Bill Evelyn, a UGA employee in Broadcast Video/Science journalism will be on board for part of the cruise capturing video for a documentary film that UGA will produce. We will also have a media event in port before the cruise sails. | |
Stations: | |
Supporting documentation: | |
»at_sciberth_AT26-13-revised.pdf | |
»ATLANTIS_LABS_114884-4_SBJ-1.pdf | |
»PGRP-Aerial-11_14_2013-REDUCED.pdf | |
»AT_26-13_abbreviated_cruise_plan.xlsx | |
»Rad_Authorization.pdf | |
»AT26-13_Joye_Chemical_Inventory.xlsx | |
»M_Joye_Deck_Plan_March_20.jpg | |
»Montoya_PIT_traps_and_Spar_Buoy_info.pdf | |
Notes: Joye Deck Plan uploaded March 3. Spar buoy, PIT traps deployed over the stbd. side w/ crane. Spar buoy will have hard hats. See attachement from Joy Montoya (science user). Incubations can go on main deck aft if room enough, or up on 01 deck. Mandy Joye will have a portable freezer to go outside Atlantis rad van. Mocness will use 220 micron net for this cruise (Montoya user). URI supplied / Lynn Butler will come down to meet ship and help set it up. |
Funding |
Funding Agency: NSF | |
Grant or contract number: EF0801741 | |
Funding Agency: GOMRI | |
Grant or contract number: ECOGIG |
Scientific Instrumentation for R/V Atlantis |
Shipboard Equipment | |||||||||||
12 kHz Pinger for Wire Use | |||||||||||
ADCP 75 kHz | |||||||||||
Bathymetry System 3.5 kHz | |||||||||||
Deionized Water System | |||||||||||
Fume Hood | |||||||||||
Multibeam | |||||||||||
Navigation - Heading | |||||||||||
Navigation - Position | |||||||||||
Science Underway Seawater System | |||||||||||
Shipboard Communication | |||||||||||
Basic Internet access via HiSeasNet | |||||||||||
Is there a need to transfer data to shore on a regular basis? | |||||||||||
Is there an expectation to use Skype or any other real-time video conference program? | |||||||||||
CTD/Water Sampling | |||||||||||
911+ Rosette 24-position, 10-liter bottle Rosette with dual T/C sensors | |||||||||||
Mocness | |||||||||||
SBE43 oxygen sensor | |||||||||||
Seapoint STM turbidity sensor | |||||||||||
Wet Labs C*Star transmissometer (660nm wavelength) | |||||||||||
Wet Labs ECO-AFL fluorometer | |||||||||||
Wet Labs FLNTURTD Combination Flourometer and Turbidity Sensor | |||||||||||
Critical CTD Sensors | |||||||||||
2 Frannatech methane sensors to go on CTD rosette. Just mounted only, no interface req. | |||||||||||
MET Sensors | |||||||||||
Air temperature | |||||||||||
Barometric Pressure | |||||||||||
Relative Humidity | |||||||||||
Short Wave Solar Radiation | |||||||||||
Wind speed and direction | |||||||||||
Sediment Sampling | |||||||||||
Multi-core | |||||||||||
Sample Storage | |||||||||||
Climate Controlled Walk-in | |||||||||||
Freezer -70°C 25 cu. ft. | |||||||||||
Freezer -70°C 3.2 cu. ft. ea. | |||||||||||
Refrigerator 8.6 cu. ft. | |||||||||||
Scientific Walk-in Freezer | |||||||||||
Storage Notes:
Mandy will bring along one freezer for storage of radioactive samples and another for general sample storage.. Joe Montoya will bring a stand up refer to go in main lab. | |||||||||||
Navigation | |||||||||||
Will you be using Long Base Line (LBL) navigation? | no | ||||||||||
How many nets? | null | ||||||||||
How many tansponders? | null | ||||||||||
Will you be using Ultra-short baseline (USBL) navigation? | no | ||||||||||
Navigation | |||||||||||
USBL | |||||||||||
Navigation Notes: | |||||||||||
Winches | |||||||||||
CTD Winch with .322" Electro-mechanical wire | |||||||||||
Hydro Winch with .25" hydro wire | |||||||||||
Trawl Winch with .681 fiber optic | |||||||||||
Winch Notes:
Trawl for multicoring Hydro for ring nets (Montoya). | |||||||||||
Winch Notes: | |||||||||||
Standard Oceanographic Cables | |||||||||||
| |||||||||||
Portable Vans | |||||||||||
Isotope Van | |||||||||||
Chemical Storage Van |
Science Van 1 | |||
Type/size: UNOLS lab van | Location: main or 01 deck | ||
Water: yes | Power:yes |
Specialized Deck Equipment
Mooring Deployment/Recovery Equipment Required: yes | Type: PIT traps |
Cruise Specific Science Winch Required: no | Type: |
Nets Required: no | Type: |
Over the Side Equipment
1) PIT Traps (capstan or small winch for deploy / recover)
2) ~30foot spar buoy (see pictures)
3) Ring nets (hydro wire tow)
Special Requirements
Elecrical Power: yes | Identify Several of the instruments we are bringing require ultra clean power |
Equipment Handling: no | Identify: |
Inter/intraship Communications: yes | Identify: We will need comms with the National Geographic crew (probably on the Pelican) |
Science Stowage: yes | Identify: Aft storage should be sufficient |
Water: yes | Identify: 3 deck incubators for Joe Montoya |
Additional Cruise Items/Activities
Hazardous Material
Hazardous material will ONLY be used in the lab spaces.
Gases also. WILL NEED SHIPS GAS RACK for ~ 16 tanks
Radioactive Material
Additional Information
Seabeam; MOCNESS; CTD; Multiple Coring -- we can handle getting these instruments in/out of the water but for the most part but will need winch operators.
The UNOLS lab van will be for Joe Montoya natural trace isotope work.
Location could be main deck port side or 01 deck.
Scientific Instrumentation for HOV Alvin |
Site Survey | |||||||
Will you provide detailed charts of the work area(s)? | no | ||||||
If no, willl you need R/V Atlantis to generate maps of the work area(s)? | no | ||||||
Will you need post-dive maps of the work area generated? | no | ||||||
Navigation | |||||||
Will you be using Long Base Line (LBL) navigation? | no | ||||||
How many nets? | 0 | ||||||
How many tansponders? | 0 | ||||||
Will you be using Ultra-short baseline (USBL) navigation for other than Alvin operations? | yes | ||||||
Vehicle Equipment | |||||||
Push corers (12-pack rack) | |||||||
Search sonar | |||||||
Profiling sonar | |||||||
High temperature probe (0-480°C) | |||||||
Low temperature probe | |||||||
CTD | |||||||
Small capacity slurp samplers | |||||||
Large capacity slurp samplers: multi-chamber | |||||||
Bio collection boxes: 12 x 12 x 12 | |||||||
Elevators | |||||||
Will you be using elevators to transport samples to the surface? | no | ||||||
If yes, how many would you anticipate? | |||||||
Science Supplied Equipment | |||||||
Are you supplying equipment to be used on HOV Alvin | yes | ||||||
Has this equipment been used on Alvin before? | yes | ||||||
Please give a brief description of the equipment, its intended purpose, the cruise # it was last used on if any and its deployment method.
The brine trapper is a depth profiling sampler for obtaining samples of stratified brine fluids; it was used successfully on a 2010 Alvin cruise. We have a small CTD and two Frannatech methane sensors (the CTD has been used on ALVIN; the Frannatech sensors have not). Chris Martens is bring Rich Camilli's MIMS system and Peter Girguis is sending his in situ C isotope along; both have been used on ALVIN before. | |||||||
Does this equipment use an external pressure housing? | no | ||||||
Has the pressure housing been tested per Alvin Pressure Test requirements? | no | ||||||
Pressure housing schematic with dimensions and include air and water weights. | |||||||
Air weight of this equipment? | |||||||
Water weight of this equipment? | null|||||||
Does the equipment require a power interface from Alvin? | no | ||||||
Voltage required null | |||||||
Power required | null|||||||
Data Interface | null|||||||
Does the equipment meet the electrical requirements of the Alvin User Manual? | no | ||||||
Please provide power and comms specifics, wiring diagram, pinout, and wiring harness in advance of the cruise. | |||||||
Does this equipment require hydraulic inputs from the vehicle? | yes | ||||||
| |||||||
Hydraulic schematic of the equipment requirements. | |||||||
Does this equipment require manipulation? | yes | ||||||
If yes, please describe how the equipment is to be manipulated:
Bruce is in contact with the engineer who produced the instrument and they are working out logistical details of interfacing the vehicle with ALVIN. | |||||||
Will this equipment be deployed off the vehicle? | no | ||||||
If yes, please describe how the equipment is intended for deployment: | |||||||
If yes, will the equipment be disconnected from the vehicle and left in situ? | no | ||||||
How long will the deployment be? | |||||||
Will the equipment be recovered by the same vehicle? | no | ||||||
Do you intend to recover any other previously deployed equipment? | yes | ||||||
If yes, please describe this equipment: Temperature/salinity/pressure loggers that are deployed in two brine pools. | |||||||
Does this equipment use any glass spheres for either buoyancy or as pressure housings? | no | ||||||
Does the equipment have an associated computer or control panel for remote operation from the personnel sphere? | no | ||||||
Has the computer or control panel been gas tested for use in the personnel sphere? | no | ||||||
Hazardous Material | |||||||
Will hazardous material be utilized? | no | ||||||
Describe deployment method and quantity: | |||||||
Additional Information | |||||||
Brief operations description or comments: | |||||||
Navy Clearance: Granted 03/28/14: A. WITHIN 5 NM RADIUS OF 28-42N 88-22W DURING PERIOD 301200Z MAR THRU 222300Z APR 14. B. WITHIN 5 NM RADIUS OF 28-51N 88-29W DURING PERIOD 301200Z MAR THRU 222300Z APR 14. C. WITHIN 5 NM RADIUS OF 28-42N 88-22W DURING PERIOD 301200Z MAR THRU 222300Z APR 14. D. WITHIN 5 NM RADIUS OF 27-22N 90-34W DURING PERIOD 301200Z MAR THRU 222300Z APR 14. E. WITHIN 5 NM RADIUS OF 26-54N 91-20W DURING PERIOD 301200Z MAR THRU 222300Z APR 14. F. WITHIN 5 NM RADIUS OF 26-23N 94-31W DURING PERIOD 301200Z MAR THRU 222300Z APR 14. G. WITHIN 5 NM RADIUS OF 27-33N 92-32W DURING PERIOD 301200Z MAR THRU 222300Z APR 14. H. WITHIN 5 NM RADIUS OF 27-19N 92-06W DURING PERIOD 301200Z MAR THRU 222300Z APR 14. I. WITHIN 5 NM RADIUS OF 26-23N 94-30W DURING PERIOD 301200Z MAR THRU 222300Z APR 14. J. WITHIN 5 NM RADIUS OF 27-42N 90-29W DURING PERIOD 301200Z MAR THRU 222300Z APR 14. K. WITHIN 5 NM RADIUS OF 27-43N 91-17W DURING PERIOD 301200Z MAR THRU 222300Z APR 14. Granted 04/05/14: WITHIN 5 NM RADIUS OF 27-42N 90-39W DURING PERIOD 041200Z THRU 222300Z APR 14. WITHIN 5 NM RADIUS OF 27-43N 91-16W DURING PERIOD 041200Z THRU 222300Z APR 14. WITHIN 5 NM RADIUS OF 26-59N 91-16W DURING PERIOD 041200Z THRU 222300Z APR 14. WITHIN 5 NM RADIUS OF 26-56N 91-17W DURING PERIOD 041200Z THRU 222300Z APR 14. WITHIN 5 NM RADIUS OF 26-54N 91-21W DURING PERIOD 041200Z THRU 222300Z APR 14. WITHIN 5 NM RADIUS OF 27-20N 92-06W DURING PERIOD 041200Z THRU 222300Z APR 14. WITHIN 5 NM RADIUS OF 27-20N 91-59W DURING PERIOD 041200Z THRU 222300Z APR 14. WITHIN 5 NM RADIUS OF 27-20N 92-20W DURING PERIOD 041200Z THRU 222300Z APR 14. WITHIN 5 NM RADIUS OF 27-19N 92-59W DURING PERIOD 041200Z THRU 222300Z APR 14. WITHIN 5 NM RADIUS OF 27-33N 90-59W DURING PERIOD 041200Z THRU 222300Z APR 14. Granted 04/13/14: WITHIN 5 NM RADIUS OF 27-38N 88-22W DURING PERIOD 211200Z THRU 212300Z APR 14. |
Checklist & Notes |
Checklist | |
U.S. Customs Form: | no |
Diplomatic Clearance: | no |
Date Submitted: | |
Date Approved: | |
Agent Information: | |
Please copy Eric Benway on all correspondece with agents and vendors.United States (Gulfport, MS)Master: R/V Ship Name WHOI NOTE: Agent and WHOI contacts should be copied on all communications. It is requested that shipping information of any equipment be communicated to the Agent and WHOI contacts. | |
Countries: | |
n/a | |
Notes: | |
n/a | |
Isotope Use Approval: | yes |
Isotope Notes: | |
Mandy Joye will be the user and is submitting the request soon. | |
SCUBA Diving: | no |
Checklist | |
SSSG Tech: | |
Allison Heater & Catie Graver | |
2 days mob. ALVIN debrief will be day before departure and transit day #1. Media event may take place during mob. Mandy will update Eric B. soon on this. | |