MV Alucia

Science Operations

Oceanographic Instrumentation

  • Reson 7160 Multibeam
  • Knudsen Chirp Sonar 3202 (12kHz and 200kHz)
  • Teledyne RD Instruments Ocean Surveyor ADCP (OS150)
  • C-Nav Precision GPS (CM Accuracy)
  • MET Instrument - Vaisala WXT520  Providing Wind, Temp, Rain Rate, Rain Total, Barometric Pressure, Rel. Humidity
  • SeaSurface Temperature (SBE45)
  • SeaSurface Salinity (SBE48)
  • SeaSurface Sound Velocity
  • Complete CTD Frame and Sea water Collection System
  • Coda Octopus F185+ Motion Reference Unit
  • Sonardyne Ultra Short Baseline underwater vehicle navigation system
  • Science Sea Water available in aquarium room
  • -70F science freezer

Last updated: June 17, 2015