   August 2004
Cruise - 2004

Field work summary
In August 2004 the scientific team will be performing two intensive surveys to investigate frontal structures in the vicinity of Cape Hatteras and the distribution of marine mammals relative to the fronts. Large area rapid surveys will be used to define the location of the fronts of interest. These will be combined with repeated high resolution across-front sections to examine the nose and seaward flank of the Hatteras Front and the junction of the Hatteras Front, MAB Shelfbreak Front, and the Gulf Stream Front. Several moored ADCPs (acoustic doppler current profilers) will also be deployed. The field work is scheduled to begin on August 1st and finish on August 14th.

Research Vessels
Two research vessels will be used for the August field work: the 120 ft University of Delaware R/V Cape Henlopen (Chief Scientist: Glen Gawarkiewicz) will perform the shelfbreak/upper slope survey, and the 55 ft Old Dominion University R/V Fay Slover (Chief Scientist: Dana Savidge) will perform the rapid shelf survey. Both vessels will be equipped with towed, undulating CTD (conductivity-temperature-depth) sensors, shipboard surface mapping CT (conductivity-temperature) sensors, and shipboard ADCPs (acoustic doppler current profilers) to measure the water properties and currents. In addition, marine mammal observers from Andy Read's lab at Duke University will record the location and taxonomy of marine mammals and seabirds.

Cruise track
The R/V Cape Henlopen will depart from Lewes, Delaware on August 1st and return on August 14th. The R/V Fay Slover will depart from Norfolk, Virginia on August 1st and return on August 14th.

01. 8/3/2004  Waiting for Alex
02. 8/7/2004  Stormy Weather
03. 8/8/2004  Summer Breeze
04. 8/11/2004  Cruising
05. 8/13/2004  Heading Home

This project is funded by the National Science Foundation.