Incorporating Broadband Passive Acoustics into Gliders to Study Odontocete Habitat Use in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary

2014 MMC Funded Project


The Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary (SBNMS) is an important feeding area for many species, including the well-studied baleen whales.  Several toothed whale species (odontocetes) are also known to frequent the SBNMS, but little is known about how these species use Sanctuary waters.  The SBNMS seeks to engage in ecosystem-based management; however, the lack of knowledge about odontocete habitat within the Sanctuary hinders comprehensive management of this critical area for marine mammals and humans.  Passive acoustic monitoring from ocean gliders offers a new tool for studying marine mammal acoustic ecology and linking vocalization behavior, distribution patterns and environmental factors to help us understand ecosystems.  The proposed project will develop a new broadband hydrophone system consisting of low-, mid-, and high frequency hydrophones for use with the Slocum electric glider.  We will use this new capability during funded collaborative NOAA-WHOI glider deployments to examine the spatial and temporal distribution of odontocetes in the SBNMS.  Acoustic analyses will produce the first publications on vocalizations of these local protected species, and data on seasonal habitat use and distribution patterns will be used to inform decisions regarding their management.  The project will also widen the application of gliders for marine mammal monitoring, and advance efforts to automatically detect and classify odontocete whistles in real time from gliders.

Last updated: July 10, 2014