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Air-Sea Interaction Meteorology: The ASIMET System

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NTAS buoy alone in the Atlantic
row of buoys during instrument burn-in
Toroid-shape buoy
buoys during burn-in at WHOI
Buoy made of Surlyn foam
NTAS buoy
STRATUS buoy off Chile
2005 CLIMODE buoy
buoys during burn-in at WHOI
Two early 1990s buoy designs during instrument burn-in at the WHOI lab. Toroid, or donut-shaped, buoys (right) were replaced by larger aluminum discus buoys (left).

By 1995, solar panels were no longer in use. Augmenting battery power with solar energy seemed like a promising idea, but protecting the sensitive panels against waves and salt proved difficult. Instead, engineers reduced the system's power requirement by more than 90%. (photo courtesy Robert Weller, WHOI)