Lab and center Websites

A sampling of sites designed and developed by Katherine Spencer Joyce, WHOI Graphic Services

The ChallengeS

Each lab website is unique, yet they need to carry the brand of the larger Institution. How can each lab convey their own individual approach to science as well as relate that back to the public using all that the web has to offer?

The Solution

After brief discussions with each client, an approach and design was developed based on what the strengths were of each group. Working one on one with the clients, there were several iterations in the design and development process.

The Result

The close partnership between client and designer enabled each site to be both unique and inclusive within the brand of WHOI. Each lab displays its strengths, whether it is strong imagery, compelling scientific issues, or collaborations.
Mailing: 266 Woods Hole Road, MS#5, Woods Hole, MA 02543
Campus address: Bell House, Quissett Campus