Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Cruise Planning Synopsis
AR1-07 SVC III | |
Ship | |
RV Neil Armstrong | |
Cruise Party | |
Ying-Tsong Lin: Chief Scientist Organization Name 266 Woods Hole Rd Woods Hole, MA USA 02543 +1 508 289 2329 ytlin@whoi.edu Albert Plueddemann: Principal Investigator Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Clark 202A, MS#29 Woods Hole, Ma. USA 02543 +1 508 289 2789 aplueddemann@whoi.edu |
Departure: Mar 31, 2016 | |
Norfolk, VA | |
Arrival: Apr 6, 2016 | |
Woods Hole, MA | |
Operations Area | |
OOI Pioneer Array, and specific survey transects east of the continental slope | |
Lat/Lon: | |
Depth Range: min / max (m) | |
Will the vessel be operating within 200 NM of a foreign country? | no |
Science Objectives | |
Evaluation of the R/V Neil Armstrong’s scientific capabilities (Science Verification) by the voluntary participation of groups from NOAA, UNH and WHOI. Written evaluation from the Science Parties will serve as a guide to future procedure and design modification in the continued operation of the ship in oceanographic service.
The R/V Neil Armstrong is a new vessel, and it’s capabilities for science have not been fully tested. The objective of this cruise is to test and evaluate the ship. While WHOI wants to see all participants gain usable data and/or samples from our Science Verification Cruises, science personnel must understand that the ship and her systems may not function as intended.
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Science Activities | |
Time Line: March 29 (Tu): MOB March 31 (Th): Departure (morning?) March 31 (Th) - April 1 (Fr): Transit to the multibeam site (26 hours steaming time? ) April 1 (Fr) Afternoon and overnight: Starting multibeam survey (12 hours) April 2 (Sa) Day: Continuing multibeam survey (12 hours) April 2 (Sa) Night: Finishing multibeam survey (4 hours) and transit to the OOI site (8 hours steaming time?) April 3 (Su) Day: OOI Mooring Maintenance (8 hours), Acoustic Mooring Deployment (2 hours), Glider Recovery (2 hours), transit (2 hours) April 3 (Su) Night: Alvin Canyon Acoustics (8 hours), transit (2 hours) April 4 (Mo) Day: OOI Mooring Maintenance (10 hours), transit (2 hours) April 4 (Mo) Night: Alvin Canyon Acoustics (10 hours), transit (2 hours) April 5 (Tu) Morning: OOI Mooring Maintenance (6 hours), transit (2 hours) April 5 (Tu) Afternoon: Acoustics (6 hours), Recovering acoustics arrays (2 hours) and heading back to WH (6-7 hours steaming time?) April 6: Arriving at WHOI (What time do we need to arrive for the ceremony.) Summary: 6 days cruise: (1) Steaming and transit: (50 hours); (2) Mutlibeam: 28 hours; (3) OOI: 24 hours; (4) Acoustics: 28 hours; (5) Glider Recovery (2 hours) Al Plueddemann, John Kemp (WHOI OOI Mooring Service @ Pioneer Array DETAILS FORTH COMING Ying Tsong Lin, Lee Freitag (WHOI) Acoustic Mooring Deployment Deploy a couple of moorings consisting of hydrophone vertical line arrays, physical oceanography sensors, steer spheres, glass floats, acoustic releases and anchors. I would also like to hang an acoustic source on the side of the vessel to transmit sounds to the moorings. Larry Mayer, Andy Armstrong (UNH, NOAA) Acoustic Survey, Contental Shelf The United States has been collected data in support of the establishment of an Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) in regions surrounding the U.S. and its territories since 2003. Included in these efforts have been 5 cruises off the east coast of the US that have resulted in a remarkable, nearly complete high-resolution multibeam bathymetry coverage of the margin beyond the shelf-break (see attached figure). As these data are analyzed and as the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf makes recommendations to other nations, we have concluded that the case that the U.S .could make for a submission could be strengthened by several strategically located concurrent MBES and high-resolution 3.5 kHz profiles run orthogonal to the margin. Such lines could easily fit on an ARMSTRONG science verification cruise offering an opportunity to test the high-resolution subbottom profiler and the multibeam sonar in real-data collection scenarios. | |
Additional Info | |
Pre-cruise Planning Meeting: Teleconference/Visit WHOI | |
Meeting Notes: Meeting Thursday 2/18/16 2:30 PM EST WHOI Marine Operations Conference Room 38 Water ST | |
Stations: | |
Supporting documentation: | |
»3204-00506_Cruise_Plan_Coastal_Pioneer_SVC3_2016-03-21.doc | |
»117MooringDiagram.pdf | |
»WAYPOINTS_17FEB2016.jpg | |
»SVC_III_Acoustic_Test_Plan_Draft.docx |
Funding |
Funding Agency: WHOI | |
Grant or contract number: 0000000000 |
Scientific Instrumentation for R/V Armstrong |
Shipboard Equipment | |||||||||||
Bathymetry System 12 kHz | |||||||||||
Bathymetry System 3.5 kHz | |||||||||||
ADCP 150 kHz | |||||||||||
A-Frame | |||||||||||
Multibeam | |||||||||||
EM122 (12 kHz) Multibeam Echosounder | |||||||||||
Dynamic Positioning System | |||||||||||
K-Synch System | |||||||||||
XBT | |||||||||||
Plotters | |||||||||||
Computer Network | |||||||||||
ADCP 38 kHz | |||||||||||
POS-MV | |||||||||||
EM710 MkII (40 to 100 kHz) Multibeam Echosounder | |||||||||||
Shipboard Communication | |||||||||||
Basic Internet access via HiSeasNet | |||||||||||
CTD/Water Sampling | |||||||||||
911+ Rosette 24-position, 10-liter bottle Rosette with dual T/C sensors | |||||||||||
Critical CTD Sensors | |||||||||||
Storage Notes: | |||||||||||
Navigation | |||||||||||
Will you be using Long Base Line (LBL) navigation? | no | ||||||||||
How many nets? | null | ||||||||||
How many tansponders? | null | ||||||||||
Will you be using Ultra-short baseline (USBL) navigation? | no | ||||||||||
Navigation | |||||||||||
GPS | |||||||||||
Navigation Notes: | |||||||||||
Winches | |||||||||||
Mooring / TSE winch | |||||||||||
Winch Notes: TSE winch will be mobilized in Charleston, SC | |||||||||||
Winch Notes: | |||||||||||
Standard Oceanographic Cables | |||||||||||
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Specialized Deck Equipment | |||||||||||
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Over the Side Equipment | |||||||||||
Will you be bringing any equipment (winches, blocks, etc.) that lowers instruments over the side? | yes | ||||||||||
OOI Mooring Lin/Freitag Acoustic Moorings | |||||||||||
Special Requirements | |||||||||||
| |||||||||||
Additional Cruise Items/Activities | |||||||||||
Explosive Devices: | no | ||||||||||
Portable Air Compressors: | no | ||||||||||
Flammable Gases: | no | ||||||||||
Small Boat Operations: | no | ||||||||||
SCUBA Diving Operations: | no | ||||||||||
Hazardous Material | |||||||||||
Will hazardous material be utilized? | no | ||||||||||
Describe deployment method and quantity: | |||||||||||
Radioactive Material | |||||||||||
Radioiosotopes: | no | ||||||||||
Additional Information | |||||||||||
Is night time work anticipated on this cruise? | yes | ||||||||||
Specialized tech support (Seabeam, coring, other): Survey of Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) | |||||||||||
Other required equipment and special needs: |
Checklist & Notes |
Checklist | |
U.S. Customs Form: | no |
Diplomatic Clearance: | no |
Date Submitted: | |
Date Approved: | |
Agent Information: | |
Countries: | |
Notes: | |
Isotope Use Approval: | no |
Isotope Notes: | |
SCUBA Diving: | no |
Checklist | |
SSSG Tech: | |