Setting up and managing your WHOI website with Dreamweaver

Dreamweaver Class

Site Structure
Setting up a local folder
Naming files
Index pages
Define a site

Design tips


More Site Structure

Remote Site

Staff Training and Development

Setting up a local folder

On your PC/Mac, you should create a root folder for each of your websites.

Root folder: Every file that you use for your website should be in one, single, main folder on your hard drive. This is the local root folder, where local means on your computer. You can name it websites, www, webwork, etc. as long as it is meaningful to you. The root folder should contain sub-folders for graphics, html documents, pdf files, etc.

Local site: You will always edit files on your local site. Local means on your computer, as opposed to the website that sits on the server and is available on the web. The local copy of the website is where all original copies of your files are created, modified and stored. Think of this as the development site. You can edit, test and view your pages on the local site without affecting your live pages on the server.

Remote site: When you add or update a file, you then move it from the local site to the remote site (server). This site is a mirror of your local site and has the same organization folder structure.

Remember the path to this folder. Within your main web folder, create a sub-folder for each different web project that you work on.
