
Professional Statement

Brief Overview

I came to Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in the summer of 1998 as a Graphic Designer specializing in print design. I designed posters, brochures, invitations, and PowerPoint presentations for both scientists and administration during my first year as part of the Graphic Services group. During this time, I developed close working relationships with my clients and colleagues. It was one of these colleagues who suggested I diversify my design skills and pursue web design in late 1999.

Over the past eight years, my interest in Web design has evolved from simple creation and flat file Web sites to include usability, accessibility, marketing aspects, and new technologies. My interest in Web technology includes emerging technologies such as open source content management systems that allow clients easier site maintenance opportunities and broader communication abilities for interactive scientific discussion such as forums and blogs. By providing technology that allows WHOI scientists and researchers the ability to communicate easily and effectively with other scientists around the world, we promote ourselves as leaders in the oceanographic community. In addition to Web-based communications, I am interested in displaying various multimedia, such as videos and podcasts, in a more cross-platform/browser-friendly way so that we may reach a broader audience. The utilization of these emerging technologies reflects that the Institution is not only current in technology, but cutting-edge.
My future goals are to continue providing my clients Web sites that are designed to accurately reflect their individual—as well as the Institution’s—identity, goals, and objectives while at the same time delivering a site that will be easy to maintain. Graduate studies at Suffolk University in Communications have served to enlighten me to future wireless handheld device trends that I will use when creating Web sites so that these sites may be seen on the small screen in the very near future. Other studies have provided a broader look at communications that I have brought into Web management. This includes stronger interpersonal skills and marketing efforts to enhance my clients’ Web site visibility. I intend to continue constant monitoring of current trends in multimedia design, internet technologies, and user interface guidelines.

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