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WoGEMS (Women and Gender Minorities Group) Employee Resource Group (ERG)

I. Mission

The Women and Gender Minorities Group (WoGeMS) considers matters of special concern to gender minorities at WHOI, including those who identify as cisgender and trans women, non-binary, or gender non-conforming. In doing so, the WoGeMS’s mission is to advocate for equitable treatment, foster community, and raise awareness across WHOI and the broader WHOI-associated community.

II. Pillars/Group Goals

  1. Create a Support System
    The first pillar of WoGeMS is to create a support system for women-identified people and gender minorities at WHOI by providing space for members of the community to meet and interact in an informal setting. We will also serve as a point of contact and will facilitate communication/connections within the support system.
  2. Advocate for Equitable Treatment
    The second pillar of WoGeMS is to advocate for equitable treatment and help to improve the quality of life for women-identified people and gender minorities at WHOI. This group will be a central place for members of the WHOI community to bring issues and concerns through open meetings 1-2 times per year.
  3. Recognition and Programming
    The third pillar of WoGeMS is to highlight the important work of women-identified people and gender minorities across the WHOI community and beyond by bringing outside speakers to campus. Other education and outreach events include, but are not limited to, hosting social hours and networking events, organizing special events during women's history month, and distributing information about women's achievements and issues.

III. Group Norms

  1. Expectations of members
    1. Membership is voluntary.
    2. Eligible members are those who identify as cisgender women, transwomen, non-binary, or gender non-conforming.
    3. Members commit to supporting the mission.
    4. Standing members attend a minimum of half of the scheduled meetings
      per year.
    5. Members must follow WHOI’s Code of Conduct.
  2. Co-chairs meet with WHOI CDEIO in May and November for updates.

IV. Flagship Events

  • Weekly cold water plunges through the non-summer months of the year
  • Women’s History Month AVAST Lunch & Learn
  • Co-Sponsor The Office for Technology Transfer (OTT) new talk series "Pioneering Minds: Unleashing the Potential of Women Innovators and Entrepreneurs,"
  • 1 - 2 Open Meetings a year for the entire WHOI Community
  • Extraordinary Women and Gender Minorities speaker in the Fall
  • Solidarity event for all ERG’s
  • WHOI Activities Fair in the Fall
  •  Facilitate women lead lab tours

V. Co-chairs/Organizers

  1. Co-Chairs
    1. Jessica Kozik
    2. Sophie Hines
  2. JP student rep
    1. Loicka Baille
  3. Postdoc rep
    1. Viktoria Steck
  4. Members at large – open to all members of the WHOI community who identify as cisgender or trans women or gender minorities.
  5. Chaplain
    1. Marney Rathbun
  6. The executive sponsor of this ERG is the WHOI Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer Natalie Nevarez

VI. Term Limits

During the first two years as an ERG, one co-chair will commit to a one-year term limit to help the group establish staggering leadership. The other co-chair will commit to a two-year term limit. Thereafter, term limits will be 2 years with the option to run as many times as one would like.

VII. Group Roster

  • Jessica Kozik, Senior Engineering Assistant I, PO
  • Sophie Hines, Assistant Scientist, MC&G
  • Christine Fournier, Engineering Assistant III, AOPE
  • Mary Lardie Gaylord, Senior Research Assistant I, G&G
  • Andrea Harvey, Center Administrator I, PO
  • Kali Horn, Senior Research Assistant I, Biology
  • Hannah Piecuch, Writer and Designer, Creative Studio
  • Natalie Renier, 2D/3D Design, Creative Studio
  • Loicka Baille, JP Student, AOPE
  • Viktoria Steck, Post Doc Rep, MC&G
  • Julia Guimond, Assistant Scientist, AOPE
  • Allison Markova, Director of Technology Transfer