LatinX Employee Resource Group (ERG)
I. Mission
The LatinX affinity group's main purpose is to provide a safe and engaging place for anyone who is looking to express their cultural diversity. The group principally serves as a gathering space to build community amongst those with Latin American heritage at WHOI, however, we would like to celebrate and include any other cultural background, regardless of heritage and/or language. Whether you would like to find a place where people are culturally similar to you or whether you would like to learn more about different cultures, we welcome anyone in the community.
The WHOI-LatinX group also works in close collaboration with The Woods Hole Diversity Advisory Committee (WHDAC) for the celebration of the Hispanic Heritage Month events, where we hope to connect with the wider public.
We believe that the celebration of the different cultures that form our society makes us a stronger community by recognizing that each unique perspective, experience, and background enriches the general knowledge of a community. This is because different backgrounds bring with them a wealth of knowledge, insights, and ideas that allow us to navigate complex challenges using different perspectives and therefore increasing our opportunities to find solutions when working together. It also strengthens the bonds amongst individuals by creating a common ground where we all understand other people’s different backgrounds.
II. Pillars/Group Goals
- Community building by creating a safe space and close bonds with fellows
- Sharing our cultural diversity with the community
- Provide mentorship to early career individuals
In addition to the flagship events below, we plan to hold monthly coffee or lunch meetings off-campus, which will serve as our meetings and help us reach our community-building goals.
III. Group Norms
We expect this group and its participants to operate with openness and kindness to each other at all times. This means actively listening to each other and working to ensure everyone has a chance to speak, feel heard and included. Open communication from all participants is encouraged, whether it is to express a personal opinion or to speak up against something inappropriate.
We also encourage all participants to remember that we all come from different backgrounds and life stories, therefore, having an open mind and welcoming attitude will help with creating a safe environment for everyone.
All members and organizers should follow WHOI’s code of conduct.
IV. Flagship Events
- Spring: Cinco de Mayo (WHOI-LatinX)
- Fall: Day of the Dead celebration (WHDAC and WHOI-LatinX)
- Monthly: Coffee/lunch (WHOI-LatinX)
- Monthly: Conversational Spanish (WHOI-LatinX)
V. Co-chairs
- Isabela Le Bras - Associate Scientist II, Physical Oceanography
- Laura Motta - Assistant Scientist, Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry
- Paloma Lopez - Research Associate, Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry
VI. Term Limits
Term limits: One year term and may be reelected indefinitely.
VII. Group Roster
- Isabela Le Bras - Assistant Scientist II, Physical Oceanography
- Laura Motta - Assistant Scientist, Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry
- Paloma Lopez - Research Associate, Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry