Edge of the Arctic Shelf
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© C. A. Linder
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Science - Making Waves

The CTD is to a physical oceanographer as a hammer is to a carpenter. It's our primary means of determining the temperature, salinity, and other properties of the ocean depths. As such, one of my major challenges on the cruise was to photograph the CTD from as many different angles as possible. I shot this image from a higher deck level, looking down on the CTD being lowered into the water. In this case the wind, waves, and light came together in such a way that the background had a natural light-to-dark gradient. The tiny bit of ice on the surface provides a bit of chaos to an otherwise very structured study of lines.

Technical information:
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 5000
Lens: Nikkor Coolpix 5000 zoom lens @ 28mm
Film: Compactflash

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