Nereis sp., possibly Nereis sandersi Blake 1985. Family Nereididae. ChEss logo OBIS genus link

Nereis sp. 310µmNereis sp. 400µmNereis sp. 420µm
Individuals shown are (L-R) 310, 400 & 420µm
See also:
Adult shown in Desbruyeres et al. (2006) p. 214

Size under dissecting microscope: ~300-450µm, depending on number of chaetigers
Size under compound microscope: same
Nereidid larvae are usually found at the 3-4 chaetiger stage in our samples. They have visible antennae and tentacular cirri projecting from the sides of the head, as well as a pair of anal cirri. The parapodia are well-developed and there are usually dark or reddish spots visible at the bases of two adjacent pairs, as shown above. This is presumably Nereis sandersi Blake, the only nereidid at 9°N.
Pump EPR 1999-2000: Occasional
Pump EPR 2004: Frequent

Can be confused with

Ophryotrocha sp.
These larvae are most likely to be confused with Ophryotrocha sp., which is superficially similar, but lacks the tentacular cirri and the dark spots on the parapodia. Nereis has larger parapodia with longer chaetae, but lacks the obvious jaw apparatus that Ophryotrocha has.

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