Research Associate
     Biology  Department
     Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
     Woods Hole, MA 02543
     (508) 289-2822

     Born:    July 2, 1961.                                Citizenship:  Ukraine
                  Minsk,  Belarus

         B.S.   Byelorussian  State  University,  Minsk, Belarus,  1983  (Biology)
         Ph.D.  Institute of Biophysics, Pushchino, Russia / Institute of Photobiology,
                    Minsk,  Belarus,  1989  (Biophysics)

Permanent positions:
         Junior Research Scientist,   Institute of the Biology of  Southern  Seas,  Sevastopol,
                    Ukraine,  1987 - 1989
         Research Scientist,  Institute of the Biology of Southern Seas, Sevastopol, Ukraine,
                    1989 - 1997
         Research Associate, Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution,  1997 - present

Visiting positions:
        Consultant:  Laser Diagnostics Instruments,  Tallinn,  Estonia,  1990 - 1994
        Visiting Investigator,  University of Southern California,  1992 - 1993
        Visiting Scientist,  University  of  Helsinki,  Finland,  1994
        Guest Investigator,  Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution, 1995-1997

Research interests:
         Physiology and ecology of marine phytoplankton;
         Optical  methods in phytoplankton characterization;
         Physiology of individual cell, microenvironment, microspectral analysis and
               flow cytometry

Professional Societies:
         American Society of Limnology and Oceanography
         American Geophysical Union

Meetings attend:
         NATO Advanced Study Institute Workshop on Molecular Ecology of Aquatic
             Microbes, Il Chiocco, Italy, 1994
         U.S. JGOFS Arabian Sea Workshop, Durham, 1996, 1997
         AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 1996
         AGU\ASLO Ocean Sciences, San Diego, 1998

Scientific cruises:
         R/V  Mikhail Lomonosov, Black Sea,  1988
         R/V  Dmitri Mendeleev, Mediterranean/Black Sea,  1989
         R/V  Professor Vodyanitski, Black Sea,  1990  (2 cruises)
         R/V  Arnold Veimer,  Baltic Sea,  1991
         R/V  Professor Vodyanitski,  Black Sea,  1992
         R/V  Columbus Iselin,  Sargasso Sea,  1993
         R/V  Thomas G. Thompson,  Arabian Sea,  1995  (2 cruises)

    1. Berseneva G.P., Shalapenok A.A Determination of phaeophytins and  chloro-
        phyllides in marine unicellular algae. Oceanol. Acad. Sci. USSR., 26: 356-360, 1986.

    2. Potapova T.V.,  Aslanidi K.B., Shalapyonok A.A., Karnaukhov V.N.,  Chailakhyan
        L.M.  Photoelectric activity and spectral characteristics of  single  trichome of the
        cyanobacterium Phormidium uncynatum.  Rep. USSR Acad. Sci. 289: 1504-1507,
       1986. (in Russian).
    3. Aslanidi K.B.,  Shalapyonok  A.A.,  Karnaukhov  V.N., Berestovska N.G., Shavkin
        V.I.  Chlorophyll spectral characteristics in vivo as an index of physiological status
        of green plants. VINITI, Moscow. 64pp., 1988  (in Russian).
    4. Aslanidi K.B.,  Shalapyonok A.A.  Cryomicroscope for the ultralow  temperature
        optical spectroscopy.  VINITI,  Moscow.  15pp., 1988. (in Russian)

    5. Aslanidi K.B.,  Shalapyonok A.A.,  Karnaukhov  V.N.,  Berestovska, N.G., Shavkin
        V.I.  Method  for the assessment of functional status of plants on  the  chlorophyll
        fluorescence emission spectra.  ONTI,  Pushchino,  44pp., 1988. (in Russian).

    6. Aslanidi K.B., Shalapyonok A.A.  Energetics of local cell-to-cell interactions in
        phototrophic organisms.  In:  Intercellular  Communication. Proceedings in
        Nonlinear  Science, Ed. F.Bukauskas.  Manchester University Press, p.11-18, 1991.

    7. Krupatkina D.K.,  Finenko  Z.Z.,   Shalapyonok   A.A.   Primary production and
        size-fractionated  structure of   the  Black  Sea  phytoplankton in the winter-spring
        season.  Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 73: 25-31, 1991.

    8. Shalapyonok L.S.,   Shalapyonok   A.A.   Ultrastructure  and phycoerythrin spectral
        characteristics  of  Black Sea cyanobacteria in culture. Microbiology (Moscow). 62:
        96-103,   1993. (in Russian).

    9. Gulin S.B.,  Shalapyonok  A.A.  Effect of low and median doses of incorporated
       14C  on  marine diatom.  Radiobiol.  Radioecol. (Moscow). 33: 732-738, 1993. (in

   10.  Poryvkina L, Babichenko S, Kaitala S, Kuosa H, Shalapjonok A. Spectral
         fluorescence signatures  in  the  characterization  of the phytoplankton community
         composition. J. Plankt. Res., 16: 1315-1328, 1994

    11. Stramski D., Shalapyonok A., Reynolds R.A.  Optical characterization of the
         oceanic unicellular cyanobacterium Synechococcus grown under a day-night cycle
         in natural irradiance. J. Geophys. Res. 100: 13295-13307, 1995

    12.  Shalapyonok A.A., Shalapyonok L.S., Olson R.J.  Monsoon  effects on the
        Arabian sea phytoplankton: Community structure and growth rate from individual
        cell  properties measured by flow cytometry. EOS Trans. 77 Suppl.: 390, 1996
    13. Shalapenok L.S.,  Shalapenok  A. Heterogeneous pigment composition of
        phycoerythrin-containing picocyanobacteria Synechococcus spp. in the Black Sea
        Microbiology, 66:  80-84,  1997

    14. Shalapenok L S. Shalapenok A A. Spatial distribution, abundance and
        heterogeneity of the populations of picoplanktonic cyanobacteria Synechococcus sp.
        in the Black Sea. Okeanologiya 37:  547-552, 1997 (in Russian)

    15. Shalapyonok A. Olson R.J., Shalapyonok L.S.  Ultradian Growth in
        Prochlorococcus spp.  Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 64: 1066-1069, 1998