The Llopiz Lab

Fisheries Oceanography and Larval Fish Ecology Lab

Welcome to the Fisheries Oceanography and Larval Fish Ecology Lab at WHOI!

Welcome to the FOLFE lab at WHOI! Our research is generally focused on how fish and fish larvae interact with their environment, particularly what they feed on and how well they are feeding, as well as what environmental factors influence these two variables. Embedded within these foci, we’re also interested in the planktonic food webs of the ocean, climate impacts on marine food webs, zooplankton spatial and temporal variability, and just generally addressing ecological principles with empirical observations of fish larvae in their planktonic habitat.

All of this work cannot be accomplished by one individual or even one lab. Going beyond simple observations and placing them into a larger context (and, thus, having broader relevance) naturally requires a collaborative, multidisciplinary approach. Such work is at the heart of what we strive to do, and, as such, relies on the expertise of others. Stay tuned as our work (in this young lab) gets going, but in the meantime, if you have any ideas for collaborations or are interested in joining the lab, please contact me.