Literature syntheses comparing the feeding ecologies of fish larvae across latitudinal regions and taxonomic groups

Funded by the Cooperative Institute for the North Atlantic Region and the Postdoctoral Scholar Program at WHOI

This work involved the first literature synthesis and review of larval fish feeding dynamics in their natural environment. One of the foci was to elucidate any general latitudinal patterns in diets and feeding success (Llopiz 2013), while looking at family-level differences in overall as well as first-feeding diets was included in a thorough review on the biology and ecology of fish larvae (Peck et al. 2012).

Llopiz JK (2013) Latitudinal and taxonomic patterns in the feeding dynamics of fish larvae: A literature synthesis. Journal of Marine Systems 109-110: 69-77 (or here)

Peck MA, KB Huebert, JK Llopiz (2012) Intrinsic and extrinsic factors driving match-mismatch dynamics during the early life history of marine fishes. Advances in Ecological Research 47: 177-302


Fisheries Oceanography and Larval Fish Ecology Lab