Hurricane Component of the CBLAST Departmental Research Initiative (DRI) aims
to measure, analyze, understand and parameterize air-sea fluxes in the hurricane
environment. Unlike mid-latitude cyclones where baroclinic processes are important,
hurricanes, or tropical cyclones, draw their energy supply from the ocean.
Fluxes of sensible heat and water vapor enrich the immediate atmospheric boundary
layer (ABL); the momentum flux destroys the gradient balance and creates the
cross-isobaric inflow converting atmospheric potential energy into kinetic
energy. The warm and moist air is then transported into the hurricane inner
region or rainbands to fuel the convection and release of latent heat that
drives the storm. The significant air-sea flux exchanges greatly modify the
near-surface ocean temperature and currents. Under stationary or slow-moving
hurricanes, the induced sea-surface temperature (SST) cooling can reach several
degrees and the induced current can extend to great depths. The altered oceanic
state profoundly modifies the behavior of the overlaying hurricane. Hurricanes
are indeed the most interesting and complex nature laboratory for air-sea
interaction study.
The air-sea interfacial boundary under hurricane
winds is not well defined, and physical processes are not properly quantified.
The ocean surface waves and swell are characterized by limited fetch in this
strongly forced regime. High winds and strong shear mechanically form ocean
spray, which is found to have significant effects on the thermal structure
of the ABL and may play an important role in hurricane thermodynamics, dynamics
and intensity change. The ocean mixed layer is filled with air bubbles affecting
air-sea exchange and form the basis for microwave and acoustic remote sensing
of surface wind and stress. Standard boundary layer parameterizations, based
on observations mostly taken at wind speeds below 20 m/s, have not been validated
for hurricane conditions and highly disturbed sea states. Observation, understanding,
and, eventually, modeling of the structure and physical processes in the hurricane-ocean
coupled boundary layer are the main objectives of the CBLAST Hurricane Component.
The research effort in the CBLAST Hurricane
Component consists of re-examining existing observations of hurricane-ocean
boundary layer, wave condition, and hurricane energetics. The effort also
includes limited sensor development and calibration, and a refinement of observing
strategies. The effort will culminate in a coordinated campaign in the 2003
or 2004 hurricane season of coincident airborne in situ and remote sensing
measurements, together with air-deployed, in-situ measurements. The airborne
measurements will be conducted with the NOAA WP-3D, equipped with radome and
nose-boom mounted turbulence packages for direct measurement of momentum,
heat and moisture fluxes. Other onboard measurements include the UMass scatterometers
(SCSCAT/KSCAT) with improved horizontal resolution at 15 m and coherency to
obtain the ABL wind profiles. A Particle Measurement System (PMS) will be
used to measure spray droplet size distribution down to an altitude of 60
m in rain-free, high-wind ABL. The surface-wind measurements will be supplemented
with Quikscat and TRMM images. GPS dropsondes and AXBTs will be expended to
obtain vertical sounding of atmospheric and oceanic structure below flight
level. TOPEX/POSEIDON satellite altimetry will be utilized to analyze ocean
heat content during hurricane passage. An additional set of GPS dropsondes
will be densely deployed in the inner high-wind core regions of developed
hurricanes. These closely spaced measurements will be used to infer surface
fluxes, momentum and enthalpy based on the budget technique of Hawkins and
Rubsam. The NASA airborne Scanning Radar Altimeter (SRA) will provide measurements
of wave topography in all quadrants of hurricanes over open water. Directional
wave and swell spectra will be deduced in real-time during the field experiment
from SRA wave topography. A laser altimeter will be utilized to measure 1D
wave spectra between rainbands in order to estimate the high-frequency portion
of the ocean wave field not resolved by the SRA. A wave-following camera system
will be utilized to document wave breaking processes and generation of foam
and spray. A group of in situ extreme turbulence (ET) probes will be deployed
from the aircraft to measure turbulence at the air-sea interface. In addition
to the AXBTs, neutrally buoyant, Lagrangian floats will be deployed to measure
3D mean currents and large eddy turbulence properties. Wave spectra and momentum
fluxes will be obtained from measurements by ambient noise sensors carried
by the Lagrangian floats. Modified SOLO/ARGO floats will be also deployed
by USAR WC-130, carrying additional sensors to measure surface wave heights,
breaking, voids, heat fluxes, rainfall, wind speed, and the thermal-salinity
structure of the upper ocean. Detailed logistics planning and coordination
of aircraft operations in order for the multi-sensor, simultaneous, hurricane-ocean
measurements to be successful will be conducted at HRD/AOML. The CBLAST Hurricane
field measurements will complement experimental design and cross validation
with the CBLAST DRI modeling component.
The CBLAST Hurricane field experiment will be
coordinated with the USWRP Hurricane Landfall Experiment. At present the CBLAST
effort already maintains a close relationship with an NSF-funded airborne
hurricane-ocean field study relating ocean heat content changes in the Gulf
of Mexico Loop Current and associated warm eddies to changes in hurricane
intensity. The CBLAST field measurements will likely be joined by NASA CAMEX
series and other NOAA and NSF-funded efforts within the 2003-2004 timeframe.