the CoFeMUG cruise (Nov-Dec, 2007) Reconstructions of Mercury in Seawater over Time Mercury Deposition to Greenland over Glacial/Interglacial Timescales - WHOI Arctic Research Initiative with Chad Hammerschimdt of Wright State University Mercury Flux from and Methylation in Submarine Hydrothermal Systems Mercury Methylation in Precipitation Mercury Species on a Zonal Transect in the North Atlantic and Equatorial Pacific (GEOTRACES) - NSF...see Katlin Bowman's Blog with Paul Drevnick of WHOI and Mike Bothner (USGS) - WH SeaGrant and WHOI Coastal Ocean Institute Mercury Bioadvection by Alewife with Bill Fitzgerald at UConn: Mercury Biogeochemical Cycling in Arctic Lakes - NSF Mercury Source Apportionment in Precipitation - EPA Mercury Cycling in New York/New Jersey Harbor - Hudson River Foundation with Matt Charette and Sharon Bone: Mercury Cycling in Waquoit Bay, MA - NSF REU with Bill Martin (WHOI): Mercury fluxes to Ponds and Bays of Cape Cod - WH SeaGrant and WHOI Coastal Ocean Institute with Ken Buesseler (WHOI): Trace Element Cycling in Sinking Marine Particles - NSF Carbon Fluxes through the Ocean's Twilight Zone - NSF with Rob Mason (UConn), Gary Gill (PNNL) and Chad Hammerschmidt (WSU) GEOTRACES Mercury Intercalibration Study - NSF | ||||||||||||||||
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