Ice Tethered Profiler 125 Data

Data from ITP125 deployed in October 2021

Last buoy status on 2023/12/3 124415 UTC : temperature = -15.5625 °C, battery = 10.36 V

Plot of ITP Buoy Status

Last position on 2023/12/3 124415 UTC : 76.516° N, 12.9982° W

Plot of ITP Locations

Last profile (number 636) on 2021/11/10 1202 UTC

Last profile mean motor current = 166.5888 mA, mean battery = 10.8788 V

Plot of ITP Profiler Engineering Data

Last profile depth: minimum = 12.52, maximum = 759.935 m

Last profile temperature: minimum = -1.5475, maximum = 1.0173 °C

Last profile salinity: minimum = 28.3551, maximum = 34.8757

Composite Plot of ITP T & S Profiles

Plot of ITP T & S Contours

Last profile dissolved oxygen: minimum = 240.544, maximum = 346.2596 μmol/kg

Composite Plot of ITP DO Profiles

Plot of ITP DO Contours

The raw GPS buoy location data are available in an ASCII file: itp125rawlocs.dat

Depth averaged profiler data files (with interpolated location) are available in two formats:

itp125grddata.tar.Z or

ITP125 was deployed on a 0.8 m thick ice floe in the Transpolar Drift on October 1, 2021 at 78° 45.0 N, 179° 39.4 W in collaboration with the Nansen and Amundsen Basins Observational System (NABOS) project from the Russian Research Vessel Treshnikov. On the same icefloe, a US Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) Seasonal Ice Mass Balance Buoy 3 was also installed. The ITP includes a dissolved oxygen sensor and is operating on a fast sampling schedule of 4 one-way profiles between 5 and 760 m depth each day.