Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Cruise Planning Synopsis
AR07-02 OSNAP West 2016 | |
Ship | |
RV Neil Armstrong | |
Cruise Party | |
Robert Pickart: Chief Scientist, Principal Investigator Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Clark 359B, MS#21 Woods Hole, Ma. USA 02543 +1 508 289 2858 rpickart@whoi.edu |
Departure: Aug 3, 2016 | |
Reykjavik, Iceland | |
Arrival: Sep 8, 2016 | |
St. Johns, Newfoundland | |
Operations Area | |
"OSNAP" Line and Greenland Shelf Slope | |
Lat/Lon: | |
Depth Range: min / max (m) | |
Will the vessel be operating within 200 NM of a foreign country? | Canada, Greenland, Iceland |
Are visas or special travel documents required? | yes |
Science Objectives | |
This research is part of the Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program (OSNAP), an effort to determine the strength of the meridional overturning circulation and associated heat and freshwater fluxes in the subpolar North Atlantic. It is a collaborative program with scientists from several nations, including the U.K., the Netherlands, Germany, France, Canada and China. Scientists from the U.S., the U.K., and China will participate in this cruise.
The specific objectives of this cruise are as follows:
1. To deploy 25 current meter and sound source moorings in the southern Labrador Sea and southwest Irminger Sea. 2. To conduct CTD/LADCP transects in combination with the vessel-mounted ADCP. 3. To launch acoustically tracked RAFOS floats at a number of sites near the mooring line. | |
Science Activities | |
1. To recover and deploy 25 current meter and sound source moorings in the southern Labrador Sea and southwest Irminger Sea. 2. To conduct CTD/LADCP transects in combination with the vessel-mounted ADCP along the osnap line. 3. To launch acoustically tracked RAFOS floats at a number of sites near the mooring line 4. Deploy sound source arrays for Dr. Amy Bower (WHOI) | |
Additional Info | |
Pre-cruise Planning Meeting: Teleconference | |
Meeting Notes: Pre-Cruise Meeting 6/22/16 Location: SSSG Conference Room, 3rd Floor Smith Laboratory | |
Stations: | |
Supporting documentation: | |
»Screen_Shot_2016-07-16_at_12.16.10_PM.png | |
»OSNAP_2016_Agenda.pdf |
Funding |
Funding Agency: NSF | |
Grant or contract number: 00000000000 |
Scientific Instrumentation for R/V Armstrong |
Shipboard Equipment | |||||||||||
12 kHz Pinger for Wire Use | |||||||||||
A-Frame | |||||||||||
ADCP 150 kHz | |||||||||||
ADCP 300 kHz | |||||||||||
ADCP 38 kHz | |||||||||||
Bathymetry System 12 kHz | |||||||||||
Bathymetry System 3.5 kHz | |||||||||||
Computer Network | |||||||||||
Crane | |||||||||||
Dynamic Positioning System | |||||||||||
Deionized Water System | |||||||||||
EK80 Sonar | |||||||||||
EM122 (12 kHz) Multibeam Echosounder | |||||||||||
EM710 MkII (40 to 100 kHz) Multibeam Echosounder | |||||||||||
Fume Hood | |||||||||||
K-Synch System | |||||||||||
Multibeam | |||||||||||
Navigation - Heading | |||||||||||
Navigation - Position | |||||||||||
POS-MV | |||||||||||
Plotters | |||||||||||
Relay Transponder for Wire Use | |||||||||||
Science Underway Seawater System | |||||||||||
XBT | |||||||||||
Shipboard Communication | |||||||||||
Basic Internet access via HiSeasNet | |||||||||||
CTD/Water Sampling | |||||||||||
911+ Rosette 24-position, 10-liter bottle Rosette with dual T/C sensors | |||||||||||
SBE43 oxygen sensor | |||||||||||
Wet Labs C*Star transmissometer (660nm wavelength) | |||||||||||
Critical CTD Sensors | |||||||||||
Second CTD Rosette requested by Cheief Sci. Also, PAR and LADCP requested. | |||||||||||
CTD-Related Equipment | |||||||||||
Lowered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (LADCP) ![]() | |||||||||||
Hydrographic Analysis Equipment | |||||||||||
Salinometer | |||||||||||
Salt Bottles (2 cases of 125 ml provided) | |||||||||||
MET Sensors | |||||||||||
Air temperature | |||||||||||
Barometric Pressure | |||||||||||
Precipitation | |||||||||||
Relative Humidity | |||||||||||
Short Wave Solar Radiation | |||||||||||
Wind speed and direction | |||||||||||
Storage Notes: | |||||||||||
Navigation | |||||||||||
Will you be using Long Base Line (LBL) navigation? | no | ||||||||||
How many nets? | null | ||||||||||
How many tansponders? | null | ||||||||||
Will you be using Ultra-short baseline (USBL) navigation? | no | ||||||||||
Navigation | |||||||||||
GPS | |||||||||||
Navigation Notes: | |||||||||||
Winches | |||||||||||
CTD Winch with .322" Electro-mechanical wire | |||||||||||
Mooring / TSE winch | |||||||||||
Winch Notes: TSE Winch: Reserved through Rick Trask (WHOI) by Science Party | |||||||||||
Winch Notes: | |||||||||||
Standard Oceanographic Cables | |||||||||||
Science Van 1 | |||
Type/size: Flat Rack 1 (Loaded @ Iceland) | Location: outboard van slot, aft deck | ||
Water: no | Power:no | ||
Science Van 2 | |||
Type/size: Flat Rack 2 (Loaded @Iceland) | Location: STACKED: Inboard Van slot | ||
Water: no | Power:no | ||
Science Van 3 | |||
Type/size: 20' Storage container | Location: Inboard van slot, aft deck | ||
Water: no | Power:no |
Specialized Deck Equipment
Mooring Deployment/Recovery Equipment Required: yes | Type: TSE Winch |
Cruise Specific Science Winch Required: no | Type: |
Nets Required: no | Type: |
Over the Side Equipment
- 25 Meter Sound Source Moorings
- Bower Sound Source Moorings
- Returning with Recovered moorings placed in 2014
Special Requirements
Elecrical Power: no | Identify |
Equipment Handling: yes | Identify: Mooring Deployment |
Inter/intraship Communications: no | Identify: |
Science Stowage: no | Identify: |
Water: no | Identify: |
Additional Cruise Items/Activities
Hazardous Material
- 02 Titrator and associated salt chems.
Radioactive Material
Additional Information
SSSG Techs should be capable of running the acoustics for this cruise.
Two flat racks will be loaded aboard the ship along with one storage van. This will necessatate the stacking of one flat rack (loaded with glass ball floats).
Checklist & Notes |
Checklist | |
U.S. Customs Form: | no |
Diplomatic Clearance: | no |
Date Submitted: | |
Date Approved: | |
Agent Information: | |
Countries: | |
Notes: | |
Isotope Use Approval: | no |
Isotope Notes: | |
SCUBA Diving: | no |
Checklist | |
SSSG Tech: | |