Welcome to the WHSTEP registry of science outreach volunteers.

Make an in-class science presentation/lead a classroom activity
DescriptionScienceNameContact Info
cephalopod (cuttlefish, squid, octopus) biology,... Biology Liese Siemannlsiemann@comcast.net
*Estuary habitats, organisms, and... Earth and Space Science Pat Harcourtpharcourt@adelphia.net
marine invertebrates of Cape Cod or deep-sea... Biology Contact me through WHSTEP
Coastal oceanography. I am currently involved in... Earth and Space Science Glen Gawarkiewiczgleng@whoi.edu
1.biology of hydrothermal vents - colonization,... Biology

Technology and Engineering
Susan Millssmills@whoi.edu
Data visualization in underwater acoustics. See... Technology and Engineering David ChevrierDavid.Chevrier@NOAA.gov
I'm an oceanographic engineer and oceanographer. ... Earth and Space Science

Chemistry or Physics

Technology and Engineering
Archie Todd Morrison IIIatmorrison@ieee.org
marine geology and geophysics; earthquakes;... Earth and Space Science Jian Linjlin@whoi.edu
Explanation of ocean waves: how they form, how... Earth and Space Science

Chemistry or Physics

Technology and Engineering
Jim Thomsonjthomson@whoi.edu
Sound; propagation and scattering. Using sound to... Biology

Chemistry or Physics
Tetjana Rosstross@whoi.edu
Most of my area best fits the technology... Technology and Engineering Marga McElroymmcelroy@whoi.edu
Use of satellite data, model results, and... Earth and Space Science

Chemistry or Physics
David Gloverdglover@whoi.edu
I specialise in using elecromagnetics to... Earth and Space Science

Chemistry or Physics
Rob Evansrevans@whoi.edu
Entomology- especially ants Biology

Technology and Engineering
Adam Lazarusalazarus@mbl.edu
Microbiology. I am developing educational... Biology Sarah Rolandsroland@mbl.edu
role of microrganisms in the ocean life at... Biology Stefan Sievertssievert@whoi.edu
General oceanography Marine geology Science at... Earth and Space Science Gary Jaroslowgaryj@sea.edu
Geology of Cape Cod: Snow, sand, and sea Earth and Space Science John Brattonjbratton@usgs.gov
Last year at East Falmouth with Mrs. McRoberts,... Earth and Space Science


Chemistry or Physics
Oliver Zafiriouozafiriou@whoi.edu

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