Welcome to the WHSTEP registry of science outreach volunteers.

Provide assistance to a teacher planning science lessons
DescriptionNameContact Info
science topics - cephalopod (cuttlefish, squid,... Liese Siemannlsiemann@comcast.net
Coastal ecology; estuaries; field study methods;... Pat Harcourtpharcourt@adelphia.net
marine invertebrate zoology benthic... Contact me through WHSTEP
Physical oceanography, particularly of... Glen Gawarkiewiczgleng@whoi.edu
benthic invertebrates (coastal &... Susan Millssmills@whoi.edu
marine geology and geophysics; earthquakes;... Jian Linjlin@whoi.edu
biology/ecology plankton invertebrates Erik Zettlerezettler@sea.edu
Microbiology Education and Outreach. I develop... Sarah Rolandsroland@mbl.edu
population dynamics, stock assessment Chris LegaultChris.Legault@noaa.gov
General geology including glaciers, volcanoes,... John Brattonjbratton@usgs.gov
geophysics physics electromagnetics coastal... Rob Evansrevans@whoi.edu
Entomology- especially ants Adam Lazarusalazarus@mbl.edu
Yes. 1. Science as trial-and-error with common... Oliver Zafiriouozafiriou@whoi.edu
Physical oceanography--large scale ocean... Philip Richardsonprichardson@whoi.edu
Marine biology/oceanography Phosphorus, nitrogen... Sonya Dyhrmansdyhrman@whoi.edu
Chemical ecology/Tropical water... Christie Haupertchaupert@mbl.edu
Design and engineering of underwater vehicles... Contact me through WHSTEP
Marine Chemistry Environmental Chemistry Elizabeth Kujawinskiekujawinski@whoi.edu
Atlantic white cedar bog: samples, but not... Aimlee Ladermanaladerman@mbl.edu
oceanic (and atmospheric) waves and... Timothy Dudatduda@whoi.edu
marine science microbiology Stefan Sievertssievert@whoi.edu
climate change, methods in paleoclimatology,... Karen Bicekbice@whoi.edu
I would be more than happy to help with any... Alex Apotsosaapotsos@whoi.edu
Hormonal signaling Endocrine disruption Coral... Ann Tarrantatarrant@whoi.edu
General oceanography Marine geology Gary Jaroslowgaryj@sea.edu
Coastal and Estuarine Oceanography Aircraft and... Darryl Keithkeith.darryl@epa.gov
environmental microbiology evolution Virginia Edgcombvedgcomb@whoi.edu
molecular biology, genetics,... Heather Goldstonehgoldstone@mbl.edu
Meteorology, Physical Oceanography, Operational... Jonathan Heeschjonathan.heesch@noaa.gov

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