Some Current Research Activities and Results

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Modern, Holocene and glacial (~21Ka) transects of deep water δ13C of ΣCO2 in the western Atlantic Ocean. The modern data are from Kroopnick (1985) GEOSECS water samples. The Holocene and glacial transects are based on benthic foraminiferal stable isotope data using a variety of Cibicidoides spp. The glacial reconstruction documents the shoaling of North Atlantic Deep Water to about 1500 m, the expansion and northward penetration of Southern Ocean Deep Water/Antarctic Bottom Water, and the presence of a northward-flowing intermediate water at about 1000 m in the South Atlantic ocean.

From Curry and Oppo (2005)

The frequency spectrum of surface temperature spanning orbital to annual cycles. The data are composed of a variety of instrumental and paleo-proxy records that record surface air temperatures and sea surface temperatures. The results show that the power law relationships are strongly linked to the external insolation forcings of the annual cycle (for interannual to decadal periods) and the changes in the geometry of the earth's orbit (for millennial and longer periods).

From Huybers and Curry (2006)

History of tropical moisture and atmospheric Δ14C: a) the record of %Ti in the Cariaco Basin from Haug et al.; b) the record of δ18Ow from the southern Florida margin; c) the record of δ18Ow from the western tropical Pacific from Stott et al.; and d) the record of atmospheric Δ14C.

From Lund and Curry (2006)

Florida Current transport and a calculated value of δ18Ow for the last millenium. The records suggest that the net northward transport was reduced by about 10% during the Little Ice Age than before or after. During the period of reduced northward transport, the elevated values of δ18Ow imply that the salinty of the Florida Current was higher as well.

From Lund et al. (2006)

SEM of two individual Cibicidoides pachyderma tests with measurements of Mg/Ca (mmoles/mole). The measurements were made on the Cameca IMS 3f at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. The larger dark spot is 25 μm2 in diameter and is the area cleaned prior to measurement using a rasterized ion beam. The measurement is made on the 10 μm2 spot in the center of the cleaned area. Variability of Mg/Ca in the foramininferal tests is approximately +/-20%.

From Curry and Marchitto (2008)

Records of deep water δ13C from the Atlantic basin. There is a depth-related difference in the phase of deep water chemistry (and presumably circulation) with respect to ice volume. At most sites from 3,000 to 4,010 m, Δδ13C leads minimum ice volume in the obliquity band but lags it in the precession band. This represents a challenge to the SPECMAP hypothesis that circulation responds with the same phase in all orbital bands.

From Lisiecki et al. (2008)

In January-February, 2010, Delia Oppo and I led a coring cruise (KNR197-3) to the Demerara Rise, a topographic feature in the western tropical Atlantic Ocean abutting French Guiana and Suriname. The main goal of the cruise was to recover long piston cores at intermediate water depths using RV Knorr's long piston coring system. We collected 12 piston cores ranging in length up to about 32 m, 31 gravity cores and 22 multicores from stations between ~380 and 3300 m water depths.  We are using these cores to reconstruct bathymetri transects of deep water geochemcial proxies for the last glacial maximum and deglaciation. The figure on the left is a plot of long core length versus water depth with the

Some shipboard results and a blog of the cruise can be found here.

Some Invited Lectures and Presentations

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Marine Aspects of Abrupt Climate Change - Presentation to the NSF Advisory Committee for Geosciences (ACGEO) in April 2004

Reconstruction of Glacial Deep Water δ13C of ΣCO2 - Presentation at the session in honor of Nick Shackleton, Fall 2004 AGU meeting

Ocean Response to Global Warming/Global Change - Presentation to Environmental Defense (NYC) in May 2005

Climate Change and the Oceans: A Geological Perspective - Presentation at the 75th Anniversary Symposium of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, September 2005

Ocean Response to Global Warming - Presentation at the University of Utah Law School, Stegner Center, March 2006

Atlantic Ocean Circulation and Climate: The Current View from the Geological Record. Frontiers of Geophysics Lecture, AGU Fall Meeting, December 2006