From a Congressional news report:

Norwegian Toxic Algae. On May 5, 1998, Norwegian officials announced that between 400 and 500 tons of fish, mostly salmon, had been killed at 9 salmon farms along Norway's southwestern coast by a toxic algal bloom, possibly Heterosigma. [Assoc Press, Dow Jones News]

comments on the news report:

The bloom is now reported from the Norwegian southwestern coast, the Danish west coast and the Swedish west coast (Skagerak-Kattegat). Mass mortality of farmed and wild fish. The algae is assumed to be Chattonella verrucolusa.

Best regards, Henrik Enevoldsen

Project Coordinator, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission

IOC Science and Communication Centre on Harmful Algae

Botanical Institute, University of Copenhagen

Oster Farimagsgade 2D

DK-1353 Copenhagen K


tel: +45 33 13 44 46 fax: +45 33 13 44 47

e-mail: (IOC Secretariat e-mail:

The toxic effets are probably caused by a species of Chattonella. This alga forms massive bloom along the coasts of Skagerrak (Norway-Sweden-Denmark). Beside caged salmon, there are several observations of dead garfish (Belone acus) along the Danish Skagerrak coast.

Any information on toxicity of Chattonella species is very welcome - especially observations on toxic effects on other organisms including humans - do they produce neurotoxins? have anyone seen neurotoxic effects in nature?

Hanne Kaas