Disclaimer: These postings were sent to us from a variety of media sources over the Internet. The content has not been reviewed for scientific accuracy or edited in any manner.

ASP Toxins in France

May 17, 2000

For the first time in France, ASP toxins have been detected in shellfish above the sanitary threshold of 20 µg per g of flesh : between 20 and 50 µg. Two areas, situated at the extreme west of Brittany, have been closed for a few days. The shellfish concerned are mussels (Mytilus edulis) and Donax trunculus.

The identification of the responsible species of Pseudo-nitzschia is in process. The concentrations are between 600 000 and several millions cells per liter.

Catherine BELIN
Coordinatrice nationale du REPHY
(Réseau de surveillance du phytoplancton et des phycotoxines)
Rue de l'Ile d'Yeu
BP 21105
44311 NANTES Cedex 03