Disclaimer: These postings were sent to us from a variety of media sources over the Internet. The content has not been reviewed for scientific accuracy or edited in any manner.

Red tide update, August 30, 2000
Texas Parks and Wildlife

UPDATE -- August 30, 2000

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department staff made aerial observations today of red tide from about 1100 -1300 hours from the mouth of the old Colorado River channel east to the Galveston Bay jetties. Red tide and dead fish were observed in the following locations:

- Gulf near San Luis Pass at the west end of Galveston Island, extending into West Galveston Bay one to two miles and into Cold Pass at the entrance of Christmas Bay.

- Gulf about 0.5 - 1.0 miles offshore, in a strip of bloom about 0.5 miles wide, and parallel to the Gulf beach from just west of San Luis Pass to Surfside near Freeport.

- Gulf at the Quintana jetties in Freeport, into the Brazos Turning Basin, the Old Brazos River channel, and the Dow intake canal. The zone of red tide formed a semicircle extending about 1 mile into the Gulf and also extending to the Gulf beach.

- Gulf at the mouth of the Brazos River. Darkest colored water during the trip was noted in this area. The bloom formed a semicircle around the mouth of the river extending up to 2 miles into the Gulf of Mexico.

- Gulf at the mouth of the San Bernard River, into the river up to the Intracoastal Waterway.

- Just west of the mouth of the San Bernard River several dead red drum up to 30 inches were observed floating about one mile offshore.

Fishermen called TPWD today to report observing dead fish and discolored water yesterday in the vicinity of San Luis Pass, Freeport at the Quintana jetties, the Brazos River from the Gulf upstream for a mile and the San Bernard River. Dead fish included sea trout, red drum, spanish mackerel, gar and others.

For more information call Dave Buzan of the Kills and Spills team at 512/912-7013.