Overview of the LEO15-95 Deployment.

The top plot shows burst-averaged data from the 2.5MHz ABS instrument. The dark red line near 110cm range is the return from the bottom and shows elevation changes as 10 to 15 cm height ripples migrated past the acoustic beam. The lighter yellow areas above the bottom are acoustic returns from suspended sediment. The correlation of suspended sediment to high wave velocities from the six tropical storms which passed to the east of the study area is clearly visible. The wave velocity plot shows the maximum velocity from each 4 minute EMCM burst data. The current velocities are determined by averaging 4 minutes of EMCM burst data. The two lines in the current plot represent perpendicular components which show the strong storm forced along shore currents (red line) and weaker cross shore semdiurnal tidal currents (green line).

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