Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Cruise Planning Synopsis

KN211-02 (Trident Warrior)


R/V Knorr

Cruise Party

Gary Davis: Principal Investigator
+1 619 553 2624

Peter Guest: Principal Investigator
Naval Postgraduate School USA
+1 831 656 2451

Melville Kendall: Principal Investigator
Organization Name USA
+1 858 534 2061

Luc Lenain: Chief Scientist
9500 Gilman Drive Mail code 0213 San Diego, CA USA 92093-0213
+1 858 534 2061

Lee Rogers: Principal Investigator
+1 619 553 1416

Robert Shearman: Chief Scientist, Principal Investigator
104 CEOAS Admin Bldg Corvallis, OR USA 97331
+1 541 223 2291

Eric Terrill: Principal Investigator
Organization Name USA
+1 858 822 3101

Qing Wang: Principal Investigator
Naval Postgraduate School USA
+1 831 656 7716
- added Luc Lenain as Chief Scientist on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
- added Robert Shearman as Chief Scientist on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
- added Gary Davis as Principal Investigator on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
- added Peter Guest as Principal Investigator on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
- added Melville Kendall as Principal Investigator on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
- added Lee Rogers as Principal Investigator on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
- added Robert Shearman as Principal Investigator on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
- added Eric Terrill as Principal Investigator on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
- added Qing Wang as Principal Investigator on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway

Departure: Jul 13, 2013


Arrival: Jul 18, 2013


Operations Area

East of Norfolk VA
- East of Norfolk VA on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
Lat/Lon: 36° 48.128′ N / 75° 28.522′ W
- set lat to 36° 48.128′ N, set lon to 75° 28.522′ W on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
Depth Range: 10 / 100
- set min to 10, set max to 100 on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
Will the vessel be operating within 200 NM of a foreign country? no

Science Objectives

Background: In recent years there has been increasing interest and emphasis placed on
developing and fielding unmanned systems to support Intelligence, Surveillance and
Reconnaissance (ISR) mission areas. The Navy Strategic Plan, Defense Planning Guidance and
other Program Objective Memorandum guidance cite an urgent need to employ unmanned
systems in forward operating areas and augment Carrier/Expeditionary Strike Group and
Theater ISR assets. Systems fielded under the CNO Littoral Battlespace Sensing . Unmanned
Undersea Vehicle (UUV) program have significantly increased dimensional oceanographic
sensing capability and capacity in support of Undersea Warfare (USW); leading to significant
changes in operational TTP and UUV employment.
The Naval Oceanography Program is poised to expand its unmanned systems portfolio to
include UAV- and USV- based sensing capabilities in support of optimized sensor employment,
improved maritime forecasting, UxV platform mission planning and environmental hazard
avoidance and mitigation, and rapid hydrographic survey operations. The availability of high
resolution UxV-based METOC observations, typically in data sparse or contested areas, will
inevitably lead to significant changes in fleet TTPs.
Science Objectives: Utilize observations from unmanned air, surface, and undersea vehicles
(UxVs) to assess the impact of in-situ observations on the representation and prediction of the
Ocean Battlespace Environment and subsequent tactical impact on predictions of the
electromagnetic (EM) propagation characteristics in the coastal marine atmospheric boundary

- Background: In recent years there has been increasing interest and emphasis placed on
developing and fielding unmanned systems to support Intelligence, Surveillance and
Reconnaissance (ISR) mission areas. The Navy Strategic Plan, Defense Planning Guidance and
other Program Objective Memorandum guidance cite an urgent need to employ unmanned
systems in forward operating areas and augment Carrier/Expeditionary Strike Group and
Theater ISR assets. Systems fielded under the CNO Littoral Battlespace Sensing . Unmanned
Undersea Vehicle (UUV) program have significantly increased dimensional oceanographic
sensing capability and capacity in support of Undersea Warfare (USW); leading to significant
changes in operational TTP and UUV employment.
The Naval Oceanography Program is poised to expand its unmanned systems portfolio to
include UAV- and USV- based sensing capabilities in support of optimized sensor employment,
improved maritime forecasting, UxV platform mission planning and environmental hazard
avoidance and mitigation, and rapid hydrographic survey operations. The availability of high
resolution UxV-based METOC observations, typically in data sparse or contested areas, will
inevitably lead to significant changes in fleet TTPs.
Science Objectives: Utilize observations from unmanned air, surface, and undersea vehicles
(UxVs) to assess the impact of in-situ observations on the representation and prediction of the
Ocean Battlespace Environment and subsequent tactical impact on predictions of the
electromagnetic (EM) propagation characteristics in the coastal marine atmospheric boundary

on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway

Science Activities

Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
- changed Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
to Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
on Jul 5, 2013 9:01 AM by Eric Benway
- changed Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
to Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
on Jul 3, 2013 10:02 AM by Eric Benway
- changed Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
to Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
on Jul 2, 2013 1:43 PM by Eric Benway
- changed Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
to Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
on Jul 2, 2013 1:42 PM by Eric Benway
- changed Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
to Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
on Jul 2, 2013 11:29 AM by Eric Benway
- changed Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
to Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
on Jul 2, 2013 11:22 AM by Eric Benway
- changed Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
to Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
on Jul 2, 2013 11:22 AM by Eric Benway
- changed Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
to Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
on Jun 13, 2013 3:00 PM by Chad Smith
- changed Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
to Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
on Jun 13, 2013 3:00 PM by Chad Smith
- changed Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
to Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
on Jun 11, 2013 4:23 PM by Chad Smith
- changed Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
to Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
on Jun 11, 2013 4:23 PM by Chad Smith
- changed Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
to Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
on Jun 6, 2013 12:13 PM by Chad Smith
- changed Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
to Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
on Jun 6, 2013 11:59 AM by Chad Smith
- changed Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
to Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
on Jun 6, 2013 11:59 AM by Chad Smith
- changed Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
to Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
on Jun 6, 2013 11:57 AM by Chad Smith
- changed Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
to Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
on Jun 6, 2013 11:50 AM by Chad Smith
- Planned Observing Platforms (July 13-18):
- 5 days on station R/V Knorr  (sfc met, sst, current profiles, single station
rawinsondes and sfc fluxes)
-50 ScanEagle UAV Flight Hours (~10 sorties @50 Kts) (met profiles, sfc wave lidar)
-4 Waveglider USVs (sfc met, sst, current profiles)
-5 Scripps drifting wave buoys (sfc wave spectra)
-1 to 2 NPS Flux Buoys (sfc met, sfc fluxes)
-6 to 10 SLOCUM Seaglider UUVs (ocean temp, salinity, optical profiles)
- R/V Knorr single station VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF radio range, power, SNR observations.
- 288 High density P3 dropped AXBT observations before/during/after TW’13 Intensive
Observation Period (IOP)

Aircraft Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Melville(SIO), Eber(NSWCDD))
Specific flight profiles for best sampling strategy against likely synoptic and mesoscale
regimes and refractivity features.
Aircraft can fly between 100-15,000 ft at ~50 kts for up to 10 hours, day or night. Typical
mission day is 2 x 5hr flights. 1-Hz data resolution is ~90 ft horiz/ 10 ft vertical.
Measured variables (realtime: lat/lon/ht, t, p, q, u, v, time) (stored onboard: imagery,
wave spectra, turbulence data, 40 Hz state variables)
Comms link is ~25 NM if aircraft is near the surface, farther at altitude. (need to check
comms range)

Ocean Sensing(POC:Shearman (OSU) Melville (UCSD) Terrill (SIO) Davis (SPAWAR))
5 moored wave buoys (directional wave spectra)
4 Waveglider¨SHARC¨ USVs with sfc met and ADCP current sensors (Tair, Tsea, q, p,
U, V, currents (z))
6-10 SLOCUM Gliders (T(z), S(z), currents (z), Fluorescence (z)).
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs on NRL P-3 288 AXBTs will be deployed on
4 flights (72 per flight). AXBTs transmit 1 W on the VHF sonobuoy channels between
136.0-173.5 MHz

Shipboard Sensing (POC: Lenain (SIO), Wang (NPS), Guest (NPS), Rogers (SPAWAR) )
Goals: Demo wave and ocean data assimilation system using in-situ observations

Leosphere Lidar Winds, Flux Tower, and Wave Lidar
EM Spectrum Analyzer (RF SNR/Detection Ranges for known
NPS Mini Flux Buoy (Corey Cherrett NPS)
SeaBeam 3012-P1 multibeam swath mapping system
Sippican MK 21 XBT
SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD
RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz and RDI WorkHorse Mariner 300 ADCP
SST sensing
Instrumented profiling kite
on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway

Additional Info

Pre-cruise Planning Meeting: Teleconference/Visit WHOI
- Teleconference/Visit WHOI on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
- on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway


  Station 1
  Distance: null
  Days: null
- added Name: Lat: , Lon: , Distance: , Days: on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway

Supporting documentation:

- added tw13_transit_deploy_070413.pdf on Jul 5, 2013 9:01 AM by Eric Benway
- added Knorr_science_party_July_1.pdf on Jul 3, 2013 10:02 AM by Eric Benway
- added Daily_Schedule_of_TW13_Knorr_20130625.xlsx on Jul 3, 2013 10:00 AM by Eric Benway
- Knorr_science_party_as_of_May_22.docx on Jul 3, 2013 10:00 AM by Eric Benway
- added Knorr_science_party_as_of_May_22.docx on Jun 13, 2013 11:24 AM by Chad Smith
- added Trident_Warrior_calendar.xlsx on Jun 11, 2013 4:23 PM by Chad Smith
- added MSDS_SkyHook_Batteries.pdf on Jun 6, 2013 11:56 AM by Chad Smith
- added MSDS_Unleaded_Race_Fuel_VP_Racing-6-16-09[1].pdf on Jun 6, 2013 11:56 AM by Chad Smith
- added MSDS_USA_-_FPF1_FIBER_PREPARATION_FLUID_-_SDS10010[1].pdf on Jun 6, 2013 11:56 AM by Chad Smith
- added nimh_battery.pdf on Jun 6, 2013 11:56 AM by Chad Smith
- added MSDS_Stihl_HP_Ultra.pdf on Jun 6, 2013 11:56 AM by Chad Smith
- added TW13_UxV_METOC_Knorr_Planning_low.pptx on Jun 6, 2013 11:56 AM by Chad Smith
- tw13_transit_legs_v2.pdf on Jul 5, 2013 9:01 AM by Eric Benway
- added KnorrInstrumentLayout.PDF on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
- added tw13_transit_legs_v2.pdf on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
Notes: This cruise will have 2 working transit legs:  KN211-01 and KN211-03.  These will be for wave gliders, wave buoy deplyments for the UAV mission.

NEW June 13:
Need the D.T.winch for a small 'sonar sensor buoy' deployed and recovered off stern.   Initial deployment of this buoy will be off a smaller fishing vessel near op area.

- -changed NEW June 13:
Need the D.T.winch for a small 'sonar sensor buoy' deployed and recovered off stern.   Initial deployment of this buoy will be off a smaller fishing vessel near op area.

to This cruise will have 2 working transit legs:  KN211-01 and KN211-03.  These will be for wave gliders, wave buoy deplyments for the UAV mission.

NEW June 13:
Need the D.T.winch for a small 'sonar sensor buoy' deployed and recovered off stern.   Initial deployment of this buoy will be off a smaller fishing vessel near op area.

on Jul 2, 2013 1:42 PM by Eric Benway
- -changed NEW June 13:
Need the D.T.winch for a small 'sonar sensor buoy' deployed and recovered off stern.   Initial deployment of this buoy will be off a smaller fishing vessel near op area.

8 foot boom over the main deck rail.  to tow slow speed ; Radiometer at teh end of the boom.  cable length is 15 feet.   Science has the boom.
to NEW June 13:
Need the D.T.winch for a small 'sonar sensor buoy' deployed and recovered off stern.   Initial deployment of this buoy will be off a smaller fishing vessel near op area.

on Jul 2, 2013 11:29 AM by Eric Benway
- -changed to NEW June 13:
Need the D.T.winch for a small 'sonar sensor buoy' deployed and recovered off stern.   Initial deployment of this buoy will be off a smaller fishing vessel near op area.

8 foot boom over the main deck rail.  to tow slow speed ; Radiometer at teh end of the boom.  cable length is 15 feet.   Science has the boom.
on Jul 2, 2013 11:22 AM by Eric Benway
- -added on Jun 6, 2013 11:50 AM by Chad Smith


Funding Agency: ONR/NAVY
Grant or contract number: N00014-09-1-0500

Scientific Instrumentation for R/V Knorr

Science Van 1 Revisions
-added Science Van1 on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway

Science Van 2 Revisions
-added Science Van2 on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway

Science Van 3 Revisions
-added Science Van3 on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway

Shipboard Equipment

ADCP 300 kHz,
Sippican XBT System (Mark 21),
ADCP 75 kHz,
-added ADCP 75 kHz on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
-added Multibeam on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
-added Sippican XBT System (Mark 21) on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
-added ADCP 300 kHz on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway

Shipboard Communication

Is there a need to transfer data to shore on a regular basis?,
Is there a need to receive data from shore on a regular basis?,
Is there an expectation to use Skype or any other real-time video conference program?,
Basic Internet access via HiSeasNet
-added Is there a need to receive data from shore on a regular basis? on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
-added Is there a need to transfer data to shore on a regular basis? on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
-added Is there an expectation to use Skype or any other real-time video conference program? on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
-added Basic Internet access via HiSeasNet on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway

CTD/Water Sampling

911+ Rosette 24-position, 10-liter bottle Rosette with dual T/C sensors
-added 911+ Rosette 24-position, 10-liter bottle Rosette with dual T/C sensors on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway

Critical CTD Sensors

MET Sensors

Barometric Pressure,
Air temperature,
Relative Humidity,
Wind speed and direction,
Short Wave Solar Radiation
-added Air temperature on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
-added Precipitation on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
-added Relative Humidity on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
-added Short Wave Solar Radiation on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
-added Wind speed and direction on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
-added Barometric Pressure on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
Storage Notes:


Will you be using Long Base Line (LBL) navigation? no
- added no on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
How many nets? null
How many tansponders? null
Will you be using Doppler/GPS navigation?no
- added no on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway


-added GPS on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
Navigation Notes:


Other Portable Winch,
CTD Winch with .322" Electro-mechanical wire,
Hydro Winch with .25" hydro wire
-removed Mooring / TSE winch on Jul 2, 2013 11:29 AM by Eric Benway
-added Other Portable Winch on Jul 2, 2013 11:29 AM by Eric Benway
-added CTD Winch with .322" Electro-mechanical wire on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
-added Hydro Winch with .25" hydro wire on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
-added Mooring / TSE winch on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
Winch Notes: D.T. Winch for sonar sensor buoy/float. less that 100lbs weight.
- added D.T. Winch for sonar sensor buoy/float. less that 100lbs weight. on Jul 2, 2013 11:29 AM by Eric Benway
Wire Notes:

Standard Oceanographic Cables

Slip ring required? no Number of conductors: 
Non-standard wire required? no Type: 
Traction winch required? no Describe: 

Specialized Deck Equipment

Mooring Deployment/Recovery Equipment Required: no Type: 
Cruise Specific Science Winch Required: no Type: 
Nets Required: no Type: 

Over the Side Equipment

Will you be bringing any equipment (winches, blocks, etc.) that lowers instruments over the side? yes
NPS Sea snake sst sensor (starboard side) - See instrument diagram:
A 8 foot boom over the main deck rail.  to tow slow speed ; Radiometer at teh end of the boom.  cable length is 15 feet.   Science has the boom.

- changed from NPS Sea snake sst sensor (starboard side) - See instrument diagram to NPS Sea snake sst sensor (starboard side) - See instrument diagram:
A 8 foot boom over the main deck rail.  to tow slow speed ; Radiometer at teh end of the boom.  cable length is 15 feet.   Science has the boom.

on Jul 2, 2013 11:30 AM by Eric Benway
- added NPS Sea snake sst sensor (starboard side) - See instrument diagram on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway

Special Requirements

Elecrical Power: yes Identify: Many antenna & Ships AIS
Equipment Handling: no Identify: 
Inter/intraship Communications: yes Identify: telephon in 02 deck van.
Science Stowage: no Identify: 
Water: no Identify: 
Electrical Power Revisions

- Electrical Power : changed from no to yes on May 27, 2015 11:47 AM by David Gaylord
- Electrical Power : added no on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
- Identify : added Many antenna & Ships AIS on Jul 2, 2013 11:29 AM by Eric Benway
Inter/intraship Communications Revisions

- Inter/intraship Communications : changed from no to yes on May 27, 2015 11:47 AM by David Gaylord
- Inter/intraship Communications : added no on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
- Identify : added telephon in 02 deck van. on Jul 2, 2013 11:29 AM by Eric Benway

Additional Cruise Items/Activities

Explosive Devices:no
Portable Air Compressors:no
Flammable Gases:no
Small Boat Operations:yes
SCUBA Diving Operations:no

Hazardous Material

Will hazardous material be utilized?yes
- added yes on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
Describe deployment method and quantity:
  • Led Acid Batteries (Skyhook)
  • FPF1 Fiber Preperation Fluid
  • STIHL HP Ultra (Oil)
  • NiMH Batteries
  • Unleaded Racing Fuel
- added
  • Led Acid Batteries (Skyhook)
  • FPF1 Fiber Preperation Fluid
  • STIHL HP Ultra (Oil)
  • NiMH Batteries
  • Unleaded Racing Fuel
on Jun 6, 2013 12:00 PM by Chad Smith

Radioactive Material


Additional Information

Is night time work anticipated on this cruise?yes
- added yes on Jun 6, 2013 11:49 AM by Eric Benway
Specialized tech support (Seabeam, coring, other):
Other required equipment and special needs:
Lot of small boat ops so extra fuel will be needed.
- added Lot of small boat ops so extra fuel will be needed. on Jul 2, 2013 11:29 AM by Eric Benway

Checklist & Notes


U.S. Customs Form: yes
- added yes on Mar 21, 2013 4:37 PM by Eric Benway
Diplomatic Clearance: no
- added no on Mar 21, 2013 4:37 PM by Eric Benway
Date Submitted: Mar 21, 2013
- added Mar 21, 2013 on Mar 21, 2013 4:37 PM by Eric Benway
Date Approved:
Agent Information:
Phone: (757) 627-6286
Fax: (757) 627-3948
Contact: Ned Barham
email: ops@tparkerhost.com

Master R/V Knorr

c/o T. Parker Host, Inc.
As Agents Only
500 Plume Street East., Suite 600
Norfolk, VA 23510

Phone: (757) 627-6286
Fax: (757) 627-3948
Contact: Ned Barham
email: ops@tparkerhost.com

Send large packages to:

Master R/V Ship Name
Attn: Scientist's Name
c/o Tidewater Packaging Services
1400 Cavalier Blvd., Suite G
Chesapeake, VA 23323

Phone: (888) 877-0001
Contact: Charles

Woods Hole
Chad Smith
Assistant Marine Operations Coordinator
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
38 Water Street MS #37
Woods Hole, MA 02543
Office: (508)-289-3811
Mobile: (617)-999-4163
Email: csmith@whoi.edu


R/V Knorr
Trident Warrior
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
266 Woods Hole Rd
Woods Hole, MA

- added Norfolk
Phone: (757) 627-6286
Fax: (757) 627-3948
Contact: Ned Barham
email: ops@tparkerhost.com

Master R/V Knorr

c/o T. Parker Host, Inc.
As Agents Only
500 Plume Street East., Suite 600
Norfolk, VA 23510

Phone: (757) 627-6286
Fax: (757) 627-3948
Contact: Ned Barham
email: ops@tparkerhost.com

Send large packages to:

Master R/V Ship Name
Attn: Scientist's Name
c/o Tidewater Packaging Services
1400 Cavalier Blvd., Suite G
Chesapeake, VA 23323

Phone: (888) 877-0001
Contact: Charles

Woods Hole
Chad Smith
Assistant Marine Operations Coordinator
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
38 Water Street MS #37
Woods Hole, MA 02543
Office: (508)-289-3811
Mobile: (617)-999-4163
Email: csmith@whoi.edu


R/V Knorr
Trident Warrior
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
266 Woods Hole Rd
Woods Hole, MA

on Jun 6, 2013 12:13 PM by Chad Smith
- added USA on Jun 6, 2013 12:13 PM by Chad Smith
- added N/A on Jun 6, 2013 12:13 PM by Chad Smith
Isotope Use Approval: no
- added no on Mar 21, 2013 4:37 PM by Eric Benway
Isotope Notes:
- added N/A on Jun 6, 2013 12:13 PM by Chad Smith
SCUBA Diving: no
- added no on Mar 21, 2013 4:37 PM by Eric Benway


SSSG Tech:
Robbie Laird & Amy Simoneau
- changed from Robbie Laird & Amy Simoneau to David Fisichella, Amy Simoneau on Jun 6, 2013 12:13 PM by Chad Smith
- changed from David Fisichella, Amy Simoneau to Robbie Laird & Amy Simoneau on Jul 2, 2013 11:31 AM by Eric Benway
- added David Fisichella, Amy Simoneau on Jun 6, 2013 12:08 PM by Chad Smith
  • June 25th-28th (WHOI): Scaneagle (Drone) group arrives, loads and installs major avation components with support from Doug Handy and the shore crane.
  • July 5th-9th (WHOI) Component of science party that will ride the transit and deploy gliders and buoys will begin their work with the understanding they do so at the discretion of the Master and may not negatively impact scheduled maintenance operations. 
  • July 11th & 12th (Norfolk) Regularly scheduled mobilization.
- added
  • June 25th-28th (WHOI): Scaneagle (Drone) group arrives, loads and installs major avation components with support from Doug Handy and the shore crane.
  • July 5th-9th (WHOI) Component of science party that will ride the transit and deploy gliders and buoys will begin their work with the understanding they do so at the discretion of the Master and may not negatively impact scheduled maintenance operations. 
  • July 11th & 12th (Norfolk) Regularly scheduled mobilization.
on Jun 6, 2013 12:08 PM by Chad Smith
Pre-mobilization June 25th-28th Objectives
1) Crane SkyHook (3500lbs - has four designated lift points for crane) onto Knorr in the port aft corner of the main deck
2) Setup SkyHook and test out the desired location and clearances on flight deck
3) Crane aft antenna pedestal for Directional #2 (250lbs) on the 01 deck on the port side of the trash van
4) Bolt 30"x30" pedestal mounting plate to the 01 deck beside the trash van and attach antenna pedestal to the mounting plate
5) Setup AIS transmitter and simulate UAV GPS position transmissions to verify Knorr AIS display picks it up.
6) Bolt forward antenna pedestal for Directional #1 (no crane required) to the short ~3-4ft tall post already on Knorr in the forward starboard corner of the 02 deck. (Need those four holes (2 3/4" square pattern) on top of that post drilled and tapped to 1" depth for 1/2"-13 bolts)
7) Attach forward Omni #1 antenna to the starboard side of the foremast on the forward 02 deck (No crane required, but I'd have to go up. We have climbing harnesses that we've used before for shipboard installations)
8) Attach Omni #2 antenna to the port side of the forward railing on the 04 deck. (No crane required)
- added Pre-mobilization June 25th-28th Objectives
1) Crane SkyHook (3500lbs - has four designated lift points for crane) onto Knorr in the port aft corner of the main deck
2) Setup SkyHook and test out the desired location and clearances on flight deck
3) Crane aft antenna pedestal for Directional #2 (250lbs) on the 01 deck on the port side of the trash van
4) Bolt 30"x30" pedestal mounting plate to the 01 deck beside the trash van and attach antenna pedestal to the mounting plate
5) Setup AIS transmitter and simulate UAV GPS position transmissions to verify Knorr AIS display picks it up.
6) Bolt forward antenna pedestal for Directional #1 (no crane required) to the short ~3-4ft tall post already on Knorr in the forward starboard corner of the 02 deck. (Need those four holes (2 3/4" square pattern) on top of that post drilled and tapped to 1" depth for 1/2"-13 bolts)
7) Attach forward Omni #1 antenna to the starboard side of the foremast on the forward 02 deck (No crane required, but I'd have to go up. We have climbing harnesses that we've used before for shipboard installations)
8) Attach Omni #2 antenna to the port side of the forward railing on the 04 deck. (No crane required)
on Jun 6, 2013 12:08 PM by Chad Smith